Camp fire
What a fantastic way to end the last night at Flatford for the first half of Year 5! A brilliant campfire with songs, games and hot chocolate!
Ennion acting out the life of John Constable And Finding facts about his life
Bingley on their walk to East Bergholt, walking in the steps of John Constables.
Amazing acting out the life of John Constable And White Court artists reproducing their Haywain
Walking in the Footsteps of John Constable
Ennion group have had a lovely walk this morning to East Bergholt. They got to see the site of John Constables childhood home and some of the Georgian buildings that are found in the town. They learnt about all the different types of people and businesses that were found in these times.
9:45 - Small Mammal Trapping
We had a very successful mammal trap unveiling! A Flatford first, all three types of small mammal caught:
Lucy and Annie caught a shrew called Coco.
Megan and Edward caught a field mouse called Elijah.
Sophie and Katie caught a vole called Daffodil.
The children loved looking and learning about the different characteristics of each of the mammals.

Field mouse


Let Day 2 commence! Lovely weather and a day full of fun activities.
Lunches all made! The children were so independent and doing this, good sandwich making skills on show!
Breakfast is going down a treat! Everyone is eating really well!
Oscar - ‘ best hash browns I’ve ever had!’
Ashley -‘so amazing I just want more!’
Good morning from Flatford, Year 5 had a fantastic night sleep and are now getting ready for breakfast.
Ryan and Joshua said they had such a good night sleep and the beds were very comfortable!
The children can not wait to get started for the day and check their mammal traps!