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Summer 2 Week 4

In D.T. we have been looking at slider mechanisms. This week we made a magic slider, which we could pull out to reveal a coloured picture.

Summer 2 Week 3 

This week we had Rainbow Pride Day! We learnt all about what it means to be proud of who we are and what equality means. We did lots of activities linked to these topics. Here is some of our work:

Summer 2 Week 2 


During P.E. this week we practised our shape poses (straddle, tuck, pike, dish, arch and star). We then used the equipment to move around the hall and use these poses in a jump. We then worked as a pair to travel, pose, travel as a sequence.

Summer 2 Week 1

This week we started our sliders DT topic. We made a slider using a rod, slot and bridge. 

Week 6 - Computing


We have been looking at Pictograms, and how they are a diagram that uses pictures to show us data and information. We have previously found out Bee's favourite fruit, Bee's pets or no pets, and How Bees travel to school.

Today we collected the data of rolling a die 20 times, and we recorded this using a tally, and then inputted the results on to the computers. We discussed which number rolled the most, which the least, etc.

Week 5 - PE


In PE this week, we have been practising our batting and fielding skills. First, we warmed up by playing Stuck in the Mud. Then we took it in turns to bat and run from cone to cone to score points, then the fielders ran to get the ball and give it back to the bowler. 

Summer 1 - Week 4

In English, we have been writing our own voyage and return stories. Today we shared them with our friends and enjoyed reading them in the sunshine.

Week 3 - PE Yoga

This week we have been focusing on posing like different animals (Butterfly, Deer, Frog, Snake, Fox, Stick Insect) Remembering to use our breath to help us to hold these poses. We then focused on our breathing and relaxing our whole body. Finally, we finish yoga the same as we start in our yoga sitting position. 

Week 2 - English/Science

This week in English, we wrote instructions of how to grow cress seeds. We followed the instructions and planted our own cress seeds to make a cress head. We can't wait for it to grow so it looks like we have hair!

Week 1 - Science

We have been looking at what plants are and the purposes of their features. We discussed reasons why plants are so important to our lives and that there are different plants all across the world.

For Tops Time we went on a plant scavenger hunt. Trying to find things, such as; bark, a brown leaf, a plant that is taller than us, etc.

Week 4 - DT

We improved our finger fluency by practising core skills such as; peeling, grating a carrot, cutting a cucumber, and spreading butter.

We then made our own portable snacks following our plan carefully. We decided what we needed to change to make it even better, then we made them with the new adjustments. 

Week 3 - The farm!

Week 2 - World Book Day

Week 7 - Maths

We explored numbers up to 50 practically today by playing a few different games, including snakes and ladders. 

Week 6 - Science

We have been looking at different, everyday materials and their properties. This week we have been predicting which materials would sink and which would float. We then experimented by submerging each material in water and watching whether it rose to the surface or went to the bottom. 

Week 5 RE

This week, we looked at what it is like inside a Mosque. We observed that when a Muslim enters the mosque, the first thing they do is remove their shoes, so we did the same. Then Muslims wash their hands so that they are cleansed, so we did the same. Then we watched how the Muslims focus whilst praying, so we spent some time focusing on the world, nature, animals and things that make us happy. 

Mental Health Week

We have spent time talking about what mental health is and how we can look after it. The children thought of things which help their mental health and drew them in a spiral e.g. family, friends, football, push ups, walking their dog, dancing, going to the park. 

Week 4 - Music

In music, we explored a range of percussion instruments, having a few minutes to experience all the different and wonderful sounds they make. We then had to think about which sounds link best to represent different space themed actions. 

Week 3 - PSHE

We had to work together to achieve the same goal, to design a matching pair of wellington boots. It was tricky coming up with a shared idea and deciding who should do which bits. We found working together nice because it got finished quicker and it was good to share something together.

Week 2 - Ball Skills PE

This week we were focusing on dribbling the ball away from the defender whilst they were trying to tap it to get points. We have been practising our aim as we kick the ball to out partner, who has to stop it and control it, before kicking it back.

Week 1 - Art

We have been looking at creating spirals, exploring different techniques and methods to draw big and small spirals.

Autumn Term - Our Learning Journey

Week 7 - Computing

We used our learning about algorithm and instructions to input a path to guide our BeeBots to a specific destination. 

Week 6 - Music

We haven been exploring different instruments and using them to create different animal's sounds.  

Christmas Concert

We are so proud of all of the children's performances in the Christmas Concert, they were amazing! Thank you for helping the children learn the words and finding costumes.

Week 5  - No Pen Day! 

Today we celebrated No Pen Day to 'put speaking and listening under the spotlight' in our learning. We played lots of games in phonics, completed coding challenges for BeeBots in Computing and then made Christingles in the afternoon for RE.

Week 4

In English today, we practised our acting skills using the story Giraffes Can't Dance! Getting into character and really thinking about their emotions and how other character's actions can make us feel. It was a good lesson for our English story telling skills as well as our social skills.

Week 3

Today we wore odd socks to think about what makes us unique and special! We designed our own socks too, and thought about our favourite things. We looked at Bullying and things we can do to stop it!

Week 2

We have talked about the significance of Remembrance Day and why the poppy is used as a symbol. The children made their own poppies in lots of different ways. 

Week 1

We really enjoyed learning the 7 continents with a fun song and looking at a map and a globe.

Week 1

We had lots of fun in art, using our hands and feet to print ready for our flower pictures.

Week 6

In Science, we explored our sense of smell to work out different odours.

Week 5

In DT, we made our own frame structures using construction straws and plasticine. We have been learning the vocabulary 'beams, columns and slabs'.

Week 4

For RE we had a special visitor, Mrs Hale, who came to talk to us about what life used to be like when she was growing up. She brought in an old telephone, books, a doll, wooden blocks, negatives and black and white photos, old cars and lego, which we enjoyed looking at and comparing to what we have now.


In music this week we used the instruments to help us keep the beat. We listened to lots of nursery rhymes and clapped along to the beat, making sure not to speed up or slow down. We then used the drums, maracas and agogos to play along with the beat. 

Week 3

In PE we are learning to roll with aim and precision. We practised first by rolling to each other, then played a game called aliens and astronauts, where the astronauts have to dodge the rolling 'asteroids' thrown by the aliens. Then we practised aiming at a target and if we knocked off the ball, we got a point!

Week 2

This week in RE, we talked about all the different types of nature and how amazing it is. To explore this more, we took a trip as a year group to Massie's Garden to see what nature we could find.

We then thought about where the world came from and how it started, and how we can look after it.

Week One

Today we learnt what to do in an emergency! We must stay calm, shout for help and if it doesn't come shout FIRE! The children role played phoning 999 and answering questions. They also practised cleaning a graze and putting a plaster on a toy. 

We have photos ready to add from their first week in Year One but we are just waiting for the consent list of who can have their photos on the webpage. 
