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Great Hampton debate: we have taken on roles of different fictional villagers and today we had a debate on whether the waste disposal firm 'Get Rid' could set up in our village. We had a vote and 'against' beat 'for' by 14 votes to 12.

Discovery Centre: as a year group, we went to the Discovery Centre as a (belated) treat for the children completing their SATs. We had a picnic, played games and sketched.

19/06/24: we've been studying how artists can use their art for activism. We are making our own stencilled prints and today we made the background using a collage technique.

24/5/24: a massive thank you to Friends of White Court who arranged for Year 6 to have an extended (and free) play on the inflatables today. Everyone had a great time (and Miss Castleman even beat Mrs Baker on the assult course!).

24/5/24: In Science today we looked at how the body absorbs nutrients and water through diffusion and osmosis. We used skittles to help represent the process of diffusion.

21/5: today's P.E. was dodgeball with Mrs Baker.

20/5: today we studied the circulatory system. We looked at how deoxygenated and oxygenated blood travel through blood vessels (veins, artieries and capillaroes) to deliver oxygen around the body. We learnt how the heart is a muscle that has to pump the blood.

17/5: in French, Mrs Mitchell organised a cafe where the children could use their French speaking and listening skills to order (and eat!) food. Lots of treats were brought in by staff from across the school as a 'well done' for all of the children's hard work this week.


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14/5: the children have been working so hard completing their SATs. Today we practised some more maths and each question had a different activity to complete after. One was to draw a self portrait. Aren't they beautiful?!..

1/5/24: last week we planned our own investigations into how exercise affects heart rate and today we put our plans into action.

23/4/24: it was time for the annual Children v Parents quiz. The students and adults competed in subjects including Maths, GPS, History, Science, Children's Literature and Genral Knowledge. Naturally, the children emerged victorious. The top 15 teams are listed in the fifth picture (parent teams in red, children in blue).

We used our PE skills to help score points as part of our Maths revision.
