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Summer 1

Week 6 - The children were treated to the ultimate TOPS Time by FOWCS for all their hard work during SATs Week! INFLATABLES! We had lots and lots of fun!

Week 5 - SATS! We all worked soooo hard and tried our absolute best. At the end of the week, in French, we got to have a French feast and practise our French speaking! We were soooooo full by the end of the lesson!

In week 4, the children revised some Maths content ready for our SATs and as a treat they had some delicious hot chocolate and marshmallows! As a challenge in the lesson, we had to draw self portraits on the board - we hope you can tell who is who!

In week 3, we conducted our own science experiments testing how exercise affects heart rate. Some of us changed distance, some changed time and some changed the types of exercise.

Top Teams' Results (Blue = Children / Pink = Parents)

In week 2, we had our parent event: Parent Vs Child Quiz. The children defeated the parents to victory!

In week 1, we have been revising some GPS objectives. To make this fun, the children had a 'snowball fight' to score points every time they got a question correct.
