27th January - Year 2 Great Fire of London Day
Today was an exciting day for Year 2 as they were continuing their learning based on The Great Fire of London. They started our morning making paper houses and then used our art skills to create a silhouette of London with orange, red and yellow flames. After that, they learnt the song 'Great Fire of London: September 1666'. Pupils learnt how the fire spread quickly because the houses were close together and made from timber frames. They finished our afternoon by going outside and burning our houses! They learnt lots of exciting facts along the way and how this significant event occurred.
Here were the thoughts of two pupils:
Ruby: It was a really great day. We had to place the houses we made really close together because that was what houses were like in those days. It happened in 1666. Houses were made of wood back then. There were some people who buried some of their things in the ground to protect them like fancy wine and cheese.
Olivia: The fire started in the bakery in Pudding Lane in London. It spread from house to house and it was a really big fire in London. We sang a song to help us remember about it. Thomas Ferriner was the baker and he lied about where the fire started from as he didn't want to be blamed for it. I really love learning about History.
It was wonderful to hear and see the pupils' enthusisasm and knowledge!

14th January - Year 3 Ancient Eygptian Day
This week, Year 3 were immersed in history as they had a visit from 'History off the Page' who delivered a fantastic Ancient Egyptian Day. In the morning, pupils completed tasks and skills as if they were in an Egyptian town. Some of the items they created included were; mummification, canopic jars, carving, tomb painting, ink making and writing, amulet making, bread making, perfume cone making and shabti dolls. I'm pleaased to say that no-one was mummified during the course of the day! In the afternoon, the children had a banquet with entertainment such as dancing and acting, with food and wine.
Charlie: "I really loved making the jars. The Eygptians used special clay pots and when they made a mummy, they would put all the organs in there. Not the heart though. They left the heart in the body because they believed it was the persons mind and soul."
Ava: "My favourite part of the day was the food! I liked tasting different foods like cheese and bread and fruit. I loved the story about the angry bull and learning about what Egyptians believed in."
21st November - Viking Day in Year 5
Today, Year 5s became the Viking host present at the Battle of Eddington! Having forced Alfred into hiding (and they call him 'Great'!) and taken over an Anglo-Saxon Village, we were put to work using lots of differents crafts and skills. This included mixing our own paint from pigment, making coins and runes, weaving and creating our own candles. We learnt how the Vikings were successful in battle and the reasons why Britain was seen as a rich resource for raiding. In the afternoon, we were historians and uncovered many different artefacts, and tried to interpret their purpose. We created our own mini-museum for other historians to view.
12th November - World War II Day in Year 6
The children had a great time learning about war precautions and what school life would have been like for evacuee children in 1940. During the afternoon, children learnt about old money and rationing. followed by ‘visiting’ village shops, including a dairy, a butcher and a green grocer. How far did their ration books get them?
Elliot K "I really enjoyed the morning, going back in time and experiencing life as an evacuee child. I liked using the fountain pens."
Lola M "I really liked the shopping experience, we even had real shillings to use!"
Ava D "The best part of the day was when I helped on the cafe stall, I enjoyed serving my friends and using the money."
October 10th - Year 2 Florence Nightingale Day
Today the children stepped back in time to when Florence Nightingale was alive.
They began their day by helping her with final preparations for her journey to the Crimea. They made items that will be needed at Scutari such as candle holders, pill boxes, diaries, uniform brassards and lockets.
At Marseilles, the suitcase got muddled up so the children had to use their detective skills to work out which suitcase belonged to which person such as Alexis Soyer, William Russell and Mary Seacole.
In the afternoon they arrived at the barracks at Scutari and took on different roles such as wounded soldiers, nurses/doctors, cooks, gardeners and orderlies. The children had an amazing day!
October 8th - Year 4 Ancient Greek Day
Year 4 have been exploring how the Ancient Greeks were united by a common
langauge and customs, but actually lived in different city-states, each with its own laws and way of ruling. We have been investigating the enquiry 'Was everyday Life the Same for Everyone?'
It could vary depending on where you lived and also your place in social hierarchy. Even Athens, where democracy was born, only allowed men with 3 years military service to vote.Today, we learnt about the agora (the market place) and created everyday items that were common to Ancient Greeks. This included artistry in the form of mosiacs and fresco paintings, carvings to create offerings to the gods, making amulets for good luck, crushing olives for oil lamps and grinding herbs to create medicines.
We also learnt how 10,000 Athenians managed to defeat a much bigger foe - 25,000 Persian soldiers - in the Battle of Marathon. We are excited to learn more about how the Athenians achieved this success in our next lesson.
Jasper: I have learnt how they remembered the gods - by makig offerings and praying to them. I'm praying Athens will win the battle.
Ellie: My favourite was making the mosaics. You could make any design you wanted from the tiles. Grouting it was mucky work!"
October 4th - Year 3 Stone Age Extravaganza
As part of our enquiry into the Stone Age, we had a unique day, learning about how people in stone age settlements survived and what daily life was like.
The children found a Stone Age Tent pitched on our field. We entered through an archway of ancient paintings, and emerged into another world. The floor was lined with the skins of hunted animals, walls painted with scenes from ancient times, and everywhere you looked you could see, skulls, spears, baskets, tools, and everyday objects from thousands of years ago. Twig and Kilt, real life cave people, our Stone Age experts spent the day with us and taught us all about life in the Stone Age and the skills and abilities it took to survive. Such as how to start a fire, stone age food and gutting fish, and how to use rocks to create flint.
Back in class we made jewellery out of salt dough and modelled them on teeth, bones and shells found in the Stone Age. We also made origami woolly mammoths and Stone Age huts.
Erica (Giraffes) – I liked how they showed us how to prepare and cook the fish.
Max (Zebras) – I enjoyed eating the fish and using different Stone Age tools.
Ava (Crocodiles) – I loved where we were given Stone Age tools to try to cut and saw through animal bones.
Year 5 Maya Day - February 2024
We had a fantastic day learning about the Maya. We discovered more about the Maya beliefs and religions such as the Maya creation story and how the first people were made out of mud, wood and maize. Using the knowledge gained in History lessons, we examined artefacts to see if we could interpret who would have owned the object, what material it was made from and what its purpose was. One of the highlights was working collaboratively in groups to create a drama scene showcasing parts of Maya life and culture. This included everything from how to make hot chocolate to human sacrifice!
Year 3 Egyptian Day - January 2024
This week Year 3 went back in time to the 14th century BC, the 8th year of Akhenaten’s reign. The children served as workers and slaves finishing the construction of the city. They completed important tasks in ancient Egyptian culture, including: Lamp working; Embalming; Carving shabtis; Making ink and writing; Bread making; Tomb painting; Amulet making; Pottery making; Making perfume cones. In the afternoon, the children enjoyed taking part in an Egyptian ‘banquet’ where they were served by slaves and watched performances of Ancient Egyptian stories.