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International Day of Maths

March 14th was selected as the International Day of Maths as it falls on a date that resembled Pi to 2 decimal places (3.14).

This year's theme was to study how Maths is used in everyday life; children enjoyed lessons that taught them mathematical skills that can be used outside of the classroom.


Year 1 have had lots of fun going on a Maths scavenger hunt around the school spotting all thing Maths related! Each class also had a shop where the children used real money to buy yummy biscuits. 


Year 2 created dragons using their knowledge of 2D shapes and fractions. They divided the shapes into halves, quarters and thirds.


Year 3 have been (imagining) ordering from McDonalds! They were given a budget of £20.00 to order food for themselves and a friend.  They used their skills of estimating, column addition and subtraction and learnt that with a budget, we can't always order exactly what we want!


Year 4 used their understanding of how 2D shapes tessellate to design and make their own range of wallpaper.


Year 5 learnt about gross and net pay. They found it shocking news to learn the amounts that are deducted from wages! They looked at why deductions are made from payslips and how tax and pension money is used. They used their percentage knowledge to work out how much money they would take home after deductions.


Year 6 planned the holiday of a lifetime for Mrs Sawtell to Australia. They had to book flights, arrange accommodation and plan activities. They couldn't believe how expensive holidays could get when paying for an entire family!

Grow Your Pound enterprise challenge.


Well done to everyone that took part in the Grow Your Pound challenge - over £2,000 was raised for the school to buy new maths resources!


At White Court, we teach Maths with the understanding that "every child can". 



The mathematics curriculum is designed to enhance and enrich children’s understanding and enjoyment of the subject by providing a rich, challenging, varied programme of study for all children at White Court School. 

Mathematics is an important, lifelong skill; with this in mind, the purpose of Mathematics at White Court School is to develop an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately. 



  • Maths skills are taught daily.
  • Children develop their fluency allowing them to reason and solve problems.
  • Teachers formatively assess during lessons to ascertain which children need support in subsequent lessons.
  • Children are taught through mixed ability whole class lessons (mastery approach including challenges).
  • Lessons can use a Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach to guide children through their understanding of mathematical processes. Class displays and resources reflect this.
  • Revise and Review consolidation ‘Magic Maths’ sessions are used to revisit previous learning and ensure Maths skills are embedded. Maths practice is frequent and varied.



As a result of our Maths teaching you will see:

  • Engaged children who are all supported and challenged.
  • Confident children who can all talk about Maths and their learning and the links between Mathematical topics and apply their skills across a range of mathematical disciplines.
  • Learning that is tracked and monitored to ensure all children make good progress.


Maths in the classroom at White Court School
