♦ Key Information ♦
PE days
In Year 3, PE days are Tuesdays & Thursdays. Please remember to send your child into school in their PE kits on these days. Any earrings must be removed, and long hair must be tied up.
Weekly homework is set every Friday, and due back in on the following Wednesday. We expect children to read regularly. Please can adults record in your child's blue reading record when you have read with your child at home.
Reading Points
You child will receive reading points, when they have read at home with an adult, and recorded it in their blue reading record. The reading points will be collected and added up, and your child will be able to earn Reading Award certificates, which will be awarded to them in Friday assemblies. Each week, 2 children from each class (who read regularly at home), will be invited to Hot Chocolate club, where they will be asked to bring in a mug of their choice, and will made a lovely hot chocolate (or alternative drink where necessary) and enjoy listening to a story or some music on our wireless headsets.
Hot Chocolate Club - 19.11.24