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Spring Term

Ancient Egyptian Day 2022

Year 3 had great fun taking part in an Ancient Egyptian day with activities and a virtual workshop provided by History off the Page. We learnt lots about Tutankhamun and liked dressing up. We made a plaque, a fan, a shabti doll, a cartouche and mummified a peg. Thank you to FOWC for funding the day for us. 

Ancient Egyptian Day 2022

P.E. - Tennis

World Book Day 3.3.22

We had great fun dressing up as different book characters. We wrote acrostic poems, collected data on tally charts and pictograms and learnt about the author Michael Morpurgo. One way which Michael Morpurgo collects ideas for his books, is through memories. We created our own memory jars. For homework, some of us made posters and presentations about our favourite books and characters. 





Computing - 2Code Purple Mash

We enjoyed completing challenges on 2Code. We generated instructions to move, change and disappear different pictures.


Art Solutions 

We had great fun joining in with the Art Solutions days. We helped to make the Stone Age collage and for The Very Hungry Caterpillar display. We are proud to see the creations in the library and hall.





Twosday - 22.2.22

PSHE - Dreams and Goals

We worked in small groups to design a garden for someone who might be facing a challenge. We thought about what was important in the garden and worked together to make it using collage materials. 




