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White Court School

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Year 4

This week in Science we were learning about the effects of different liquids on the teeth. We carried out an experiment where the egg represented our teeth and we had a go at brushing the eggs with a toothbrush after they had been in various liquids for 3 days. The children found this very interesting!

The Young Shakespeare Company came on Thursday 2nd May and performed an interactive and inspiring performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream. The children absolutely loved it!

Parent Event - Braintree Sings performance Tuesday 19th March

World Book Day! 

We enjoyed taking part in a zoom call with Micheal Morpurgo on World Book Day. He read us part of his book, The Butterfly Lion! 

Braintree Sings Vocal Workshop 


We had a great time rehearsing our songs with the vocal teacher from Essex Music Services.

She thought we sang brilliantly!

Colchester Castle
