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Summer 2 pictures

Week 6, we had our Great Hampton debate. We took on roles of fictional characters that live in the village Great Hampton. Our debate was on whether a waste disposal company 'Get Rid' should set up in our village. We voted and the majority voted for against.

Week 4, we have been rehearsing, practised parabola's and stenciled our art onto our backgrounds. During P.E. this week, we played tennis, rounders, and dodgeball; the activities were chosen by the raffle winners.

Week 3, we started our DT and made our first batch of scones!

Week 1, we have started our rounders unit; practising throwing and catching under pressure. We then applied our skills to mini rounder games. We completed visual notes on two artists that we have been introduced to: Luba Lukova and Kate DeCiccio. This is the start of our Print and Activism unit where we will be producing our own posters.
