Pirate Day
Ahoy Matey!
Summer 2 Week 4
This week we made picture sliders!
Summer 2 Week 3
This week we had Rainbow Pride Day! We learnt all about what it means to be proud of who we are and what equality means. We did lots of activities linked to these topics. Here is some of our work:
Summer 2 Week 2
During P.E. this week we practised our shape poses (straddle, tuck, pike, dish, arch and star). We then used the equipment to move around the hall and use these poses in a jump. We then worked as a pair to travel, pose, travel as a sequence.
Summer 2 Week 1
This week we started our sliders DT topic. We made a slider using a rod, slot and bridge.
Summer Term 1 Week 6
This week we have written our own letters to Paula Metcalf who wrote Mabel's Magical Garden.
Summer 1 Week 5
We have been creating our own fauna collages using coloured paper thinking carefully about the shapes and colours we used. Once they were completed we critiqued them; thinking about how they made us feel, what we liked best and how we might have changed them.
Summer 1 - Week 4
In English, we have been writing our own voyage and return stories. Today we shared them with our friends and enjoyed reading them in the sunshine.
Summer 1 Week 3 - Geography
Last week in Geography we looked at aerial maps and built on our learning this week by following a route on an aerial map. We looked at key features a map has: a key, a title, a scale and the compass/north symbol. We followed a set route around the school grounds to find hidden letters to reveal a word. Here we are in the sunshine enjoying the lesson!
Summer Week 2
This week in English, we wrote instructions of how to grow cress seeds. We followed the instructions and planted our own cress seeds to make a cress head. We can't wait for it to grow so it looks like we have hair!
SUMMER - Week 1
We have been looking at features of instruction texts. We learnt about imperative (bossy) verbs which tell us what we need to do. We followed the instructions to make sunflower fork paintings.
Week 5
This week we had our class assembly and thought you would like to see the photos from our Boydell farm trip which we shared!
Spring 2 Week 4
In DT this week, we have practised our finger fluency skills e.g. spreading, grating, peeling, cutting using fork secure and the bridge. We then used our plan to make our wrap, we then ate our wrap, redesigned our wrap, made a new improved wrap and then ate that one as well!
This week in Geography we learnt about Human and Physical features. We looked at and discuss things on our world that have been made by humans and things that occur naturally in nature. We then sorted lots of examples into the two groups in teams and finished the lesson with a team quiz!
Spring 2 Week 3
On Thursday this week it was International Maths Day! We went on a scavenger hunt around school looking for all things Maths related and we also purchased yummy biscuits with real money!
This week has been science week! We have completed lots of science based Tops Time activities including this raincloud experiment. We loved watching the 'rain' make its way through the clouds! You can try it at home by following the instructions below :)
Spring 2 Week 2
This week was House Day and World Book Day! We enjoyed lots fo activities including listening to lots of Julia Donaldson stories, doing Julia Donaldson dances in PE and a Julia Donaldson quiz! We also did lots of activities for World Book Day which you can find here:
Spring 2 Week 1
In PE we started our Gymnastics units. This week we focused on travelling in interesting ways and changing direction. We also looked at adding in a balance and a jump to make a sequence.
In Computing we have been learning to touch type, using the 'home row keys' which are asdfghjkl;
We used each finger on one key and typed without looking at the letters. Instead we looked at the screen. Look how much we concentrated!
This week, we have been practising the skill of continuous line drawings. We spent 5 minutes silently drawing exactly what we could see on a shell then we added some primary colours. We then added a water wash over the top. From our work last week we knew that the colours would mix to make secondary colours.
Week 5
Mental Health Week
We have spent time talking about what mental health is and how we can look after it. The children thought of things which help their mental health and drew them in a spiral e.g. family, friends, football, push ups, walking their dog, dancing, going to the park.
In Music we used graphic scores/symbols to represent sounds. We talked about if the sound was long/short, loud/quiet and how we could record the sound. We made our own space music and recorded it with symbols.
Week 4
This week in English, the children wrote their own story based on the Stanley's Stick. They enjoyed being authors and reading their stories aloud to their friends.
In Art, we have been learning about primary colours and how we can use these to make secondary colours. We made and printed colour wheels to demonstrate this.
Week 3
This week in PSHE, the children worked with a partner to come up with a common goal they would both like to achieve. In Art, they critiqued each others spiral work from last week focusing on describing what they could see, analysis, interpret and their final judgement. The children also had fun during our Topstime on Friday using the climbing wall in the hall.
Week 2 Art
We have continued our spiral work this week by making beautiful spiral snails. The children experimented with a mixture of soft pastels and oil pastels; and tried to smudge the colours to blend them together. We hope you like them as much as we do.
Spring Term Week 1
This week, we have been investigating spirals. We listened to music and moved in a spiral. We then drew spirals with chalk in the playground making sure the line was continuous. We then drew spirals in our sketch books to thinking about how the movement flowed through the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder.
Week 15
Christmas Reindeer Run Fun and biscuit decorating!
Week 14
In Art this week we practised continuous line drawings in our sketch books.
This week we have made our Christmas Card Campaign cards. These cards will be handed out in the community to all those who need a smile put on their face.
Week 13 Art
This week, we have made printing plates from foam and card, used paint and rollers to create different patterns.
Christmas Concert
We are so proud of all of the children's performances in the Christmas Concert, they were amazing! Thank you for helping the children learn the words and finding costumes.
Week 12 - No Pen Day!
Today we celebrated No Pen Day to 'put speaking and listening under the spotlight' in our learning. We played lots of games in phonics, completed coding challenges for BeeBots in Computing and then made Christingles in the afternoon for RE.
Week 11
The children have learnt a new skill in Art, rubbing. They rubbed different objects using a pencil and were amazed at the different patterns they got.
Week 10
Today the children learnt why it is important to be accurate when sequencing commands. That instructions need to be in order and with lots of detail. They wrote instructions to make a potato head and could explain what would happen if the instructions changed. This links to their computer work on algorithms.
In RE, the children have been learning about the good news in the Christmas story. They have drawn their own cards to show the good news.
Week 9
We have talked about the significance of Remembrance Day and why the poppy is used as a symbol. The children made their own poppies in lots of different ways.
Week 8
This week in Maths we have been taking away practically using the whole part model.
We have also been find all 7 continents on the world map.
Art was great fun this week as we printed with our hands and feet ready to make our flower gardens.
Week 7
This week we followed our designs to make our own chair for a toy to sit on. It was tricky but we persevered!
In Science we used our sense of touch to described different objects within a feely bag. We also talked about how touch can keep us safe and make use feel better.
During our last Forest School session we made a campfire, toasted marshmallows and sang songs!
This week, we used our sense of smell to work out different odours.
In RE today we talked about how to care for the world God created. We then went out to litter pick on the school field – we found so much rubbish. This is one way we can care for our world. Look at how well we did tidying up! Have a look at the poster to see some more of our ideas of how to care for the world…
In handwriting today we practiced our ‘one arm robot letters’ and enjoyed writing them straight onto the table!!
In Maths we started looking at fact families and used lots of practical equipment to help us ‘switch’ and ‘flip’ the numbers.
Week 5
In History we looked at toys from the past and how they are different from the toys we have today. We sorted toys into old and new and then drew pictures of an old toy and a new toy. We talked about the materials they were made of. We then explored the old toys during tops time!
Week 4
In DT the children have been making their own framed structures. They have been learning the vocabulary beams, columns and slabs to help describe their designs.
In music this week we used the instruments to help us keep the beat. We listened to lots of nursery rhymes and clapped along to the beat, making sure not to speed up or slow down. We then used the drums, maracas and agogos to play along with the beat.
History - Week 4
In History we had a guest speaker come to see us to tell us all about their childhood from the past. We looked at artefacts and listened to the stories she told us about toys, cars, school, books and many other things!
Week 3
At Forest School this week we talked about different emotions and made faces out of natural things we found in the forest. We played different games and spent 2 minutes in our thinking spot at the end.
Learning Choices
In the afternoon we did continuous provision by completing activities linked to our learning from last week. This helps us to remember key learning and also practice practical skills like cutting and fine motor skills.
We made Mr Potato Head by cutting out body parts linked to our Science. We found tricky words using the magnetic letters and tweezers to exercise the muscles in our fingers. We did role play in the outdoor area and created a cafe where we bought items using the tills. We played matching pair snap using body parts and also added petals to flowers using to practice our counting skills.
Week 2
This week we practised our dribbling skills and had our first Forest School session.
This week we have looked at how to keep ourselves safe using technology by thinking about rules to guide us. As a class we came up with these:
Week One
Today we learnt what to do in an emergency! We must stay calm, shout for help and if it doesn't come shout FIRE! The children role played phoning 999 and answering questions. They also practised cleaning a graze and putting a plaster on a toy.