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Times Tables Check

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check


What is the multiplication Tables Check (MTC)?

It is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions. 

Your child will be able to answer 3 practice questions before taking the actual check. 

They will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. 

On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.


When will the test take place?

The test can take place at any time between Monday 6th June until Friday 24th June.

Not all children need to do the test on the same day.

We will spend the whole three weeks taking our time so that the children are not losing any other learning time and will not feel any pressure from the assessment.


How can I help my child prepare?

The best way to keep the test stress-free is to work some times tables practice into your daily routine well in advance. With regular practice, your child will get used to tackling these kind of questions with confidence.

If your child is feeling nervous in the approach to the check, don’t panic. 


Practical times tables games and ideas

  • Dice - roll the dice and multiply together 
  • X table snap - snap any that are in a given times table
  • Times table shoot out
  • Times table charts - cover them up and see if they know what is missing
  • Times table ordering - odd one out
  • Multiplication grids/ squares
  • Post it notes
  • Playing cards
  • Sorting times  tables - ping pongs, cards, etc…


Practising online

Give your child lots of opportunities to practise and access their times tables online. Try some of the links below: 
