A good night's sleep had by all.
Explore Rocky Shore is first up for the whole group and will take us up to lunchtime.
Slightly cooler down at the beach today which was nice. Lots of creatures spotted!
Abi say she loves it here and her favourite activity was Nightline because it was exciting being guided by others blindfolded.
Gabi also found Nightline fun as it was really fun not seeing where she was going and having to go under things.
Aimee says point blank Kingswood is so much fun.
This afternoon sees us doing Den Building, Zipwire, Jacobs ladder, orienteering, abseiling and quad biking.
Slight change to the plan tonight, we are now having a singalong around the campfire. A great way to spend the last night together!
The children's resilience has increased massively over the course of the week, they are tackling new challenges in a much more positive way. They are all doing really well! Even if they haven't completed a challenge they have given it a really good go!
We've had lots of comments from Kingswood staff and the staff from other schools to say how polite our children are. They've been supporting each other, holding doors open for people they don't know, saying please and thank you ALL THE TIME, clearing up after meal times and chatting nicely with the Kingswood staff. All of this, is of course what we expect, but it's not what you necessarily see from other schools and it makes all of us feel very proud. They've continued this all week and you would all be very pleased if you could see how marvellous they have all been.
Go White Court!
There will not be many updates tomorrow as it is very manic trying to find the owners of eleventy billion items of clothing that everyone denies is theirs, especially socks!
However, we will TRY to get some final day pictures and then I will update the blog with our original ETA and then I'll do a couple of updates along the way including a 10 minute warning before we arrive.