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7/2/25: we have been looking at electrical circuits this term and today made our own switches to change circuits between 'complete' to 'incomplete'.

4/2/25: our clay tiles have all dried out, so today it was time to paint them.

24/1/25: we have been looking at 'still life' in Art and drew our own last week. Today we turned our pictures of fruit into clay tiles.

10/1/25: Hedgehog class from Year 6 came to read their 'character flaw' stories to us. Eagles asked lots of questions and discussed what could happen if the story had a sequel.

08/1/25: we will soon be writing and performing our own poems. Today we practised performing poems and used actions and expression to influence our delivery.

17/12/24: today we finished writing our 'Buddy' stories and took them to read to Wolf class in Year Two. They also shared their Christmas acrostic poems with us which were beautifully written.

4/12/24: in Maths we were looking at factors and we used cubes to show that factors multiplied together = the product. Did you know that the factors of 12 are 1 and 12, 2 and 6 and 3 and 4?

29/11: in Computing, we were looking at networks and the connections between computers (clients). We also looked at how a 'switch' operates in a network.

21/11: in Science we were looking at how sound travels, we investigated how it travels differently through the mediums of solid, liquid and gas (air)

8/11/24 we have now added the notes C and D to B, A and G and used these to play Jingle Bells. Below is Eagles performance after just 10 minutes of practice - I was so impressed!

Jingle Bells - RECORDER Play Along/How to Play

VMM Recorder Song 3: Au Clair de la Lune

We have been practising this song in class, this video provides an easy to follow tutorial.

Easy Recipes for Children

We were practising writing instructions in English today. We used recipe videos to get some ideas and some of the children asked for the recipes to make at home. This YouTube link should provide all the information you will need.

8/10/24: we had a great time experiencing life as Ancient Greeks when History off the Page came to visit. Follow the link below to see what we got up to.

2/10/24: in RE today Sheena and Katie from the 'Empower' came in to support our RE topic 'Can Love and Kindness Change the World?' We worked in teams to illustrate the parable of the Great Banquet.

27/9/24: in Computing, the children were practising their touch typing skills. If they would like to practise the fun game we tried in class at home, they can google 'dance mat typing'.

23/9/24: In Art we have been studying artists who can tell a story through their work. The children used a mixture of sketching pencils, charcoal, pastels and water colours to create their own atmospheres. We can't wait for you to see them in class during Parents' Evening.

19/9/24: in Science we have been studying 'states of matter' the children acted out how the molecules behave. In solids, molecules are bonded together and tightly arranged with little energy; in liquids they are less well bonded and have more energy; in gases they are poorly bonded and have lots of energy. Can you guess which picture goes with which definition?

17/9/24: I was so impressed by Eagles class in P.E. today, they completed different 'flows' which are a series of yoga poses that flow into each other. They used their breathing to calm their bodies and minds which allowed them to stretch further each time.

12/9/24: today is World First Aid Day - we had a special CPR assembly and then watched some videos to learn about ways we can offer first aid to people with different needs (head injury, broken bones, unconscious but breathing etc). We learned that it is important to stay calm and that we must keep ourselves safe first.

5/9/24: Today, in PE, we did a lesson on 'fundamentals' where we completed a range of activities that focussed on balance.
