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White Court School

Contact Details

Uniform Information

School Uniform

The school encourages the wearing of school uniform, which is outlined below. Please ensure that all items of clothing and equipment are clearly named.

It is not considered appropriate by White Court School for children to have extreme hair styles, to have their hair dyed, to wear make-up or nail varnish.

Only a simple watch (NO SMART WATCHES) and small stud earings may be worn. No duplicate piercings or piercings in multiple locations.

For P.E. children should NOT wear thermal 'skins' or leggings with shorts and T-shirts - they may be worn under tracksuits where they are not visible.

All jewelery, including stud earrings and watches, must be removed for P.E. and swimming (if a child has newly pierced ears they will not be allowed to take part in P.E. and swimming if the earrings cannot be removed).

School shoes must be black and no open-toed or backless sandals or boots can be worn.


FoWCS run a second hand shop for uniform that can be found on their Facebook page




Grey skirt / pinafore

Grey Trousers (long or short)

Knee length shorts or culottes

Pale blue polo Shirt

Pale blue shirt/Blouse

Royal blue sweatshirt

Royal blue cardigan

Pale blue gingham summer dress

White/grey/black socks

Black shoes – no branding or coloured laces (plain black trainers may be worn)

No open toed sandals, flip flops or boots




Plain white round neck, short sleeve T-shirt

Royal blue shadow stripe shorts

Black Plimsolls or a pair of white or black trainers (no bright colours)


A pair of white or black trainers (no bright colours)

Plain dark blue jogging bottoms

Plain dark blue sweatshirt


Clothing should be plain (no obvious branding or stripes)

NO base layers or skins/leggings under PE indoor kit


Online ordering of school uniform
