Shiver me timbers! Butterfly class have turned into pirates!
Colour Run Fun!
As part of our English lessons, we wrote letters to the author and illustrator Paula Metcalf as we had been reading her book Mabel's Magical Garden. Today we received a letter from her with an illustration of a bear and she even sent us some signed copies of her books!
D.T 30.6.23
Today we designed and made our own sliding moving pictures! We also evaluated them and thought about why it was successful and what we would have changed.
Rainbow Pride Day Monday 26th June
Today we thought about things that make us proud to be ourselves! We looked at different types of families and discussed that they all have love and that means they're great. We discussed equality and respect and made some really lovely crafts and activities!
Rainbow Pride Day!
Summer Term Week 3
This week we read our fairy tale stories to Year 3!
Week 2 Summer Term 2
This week in Science we revised our knowledge of materials and used what we knew to complete a fair test. We thought about waterproof materials and made predictions based on our knowledge of the world around us. We then carried out a fair test by placing each item in the same amount of water for the same amount of time. We then recorded our results using a table. Here are some photos of the investigation in progress:
Week 1 Summer Term 2
This week we have recapped spelling the days of the week and writing them within sentences. In PSHE, we have been looking at different life cycles including our own and discussed how we change from a baby, toddler and child. On Friday it was 'Break the Rules Day!' We wore nail varnish, fun clothes, had crazy hair and got to have any snack we wanted! :-)
PSHE 17.5.23
Today we discussed who can help us in our school community, know when we need help and how to ask for it. We worked in groups to sort the cards into people who help us in school and people who might help us outside school. The children also used different scenario cards to act out what had happened and how they can ask for help.
Tuesday 9.5.23
Today in D.T. we practiced our cutting, grating and peeling skills by making coleslaw! We used carrot, cabbage and onion and mixed in mayonnaise. Lots of us enjoyed tasting it too - yum yum!!
Coleslaw making in D.T.
History 5.5.23
Today we recapped what we have learnt about monarchs and linked it to the Coronation of King Charles III. Did you know that the crown is 350 years old! King Edwards Coronation chair is 700 years old! We made crowns to celebrate.
Flora and Fauna
Today we used pencils and pastels to create our own flora and fauna picture inspired by film extracts.

Following instructions to make our cress heads
This week in English we have written our own instructions on how to make cress heads. We followed these instructions to make our very own.
History 20.4.23
Today we talked about our government, how it works and why we have one. We discussed what the Prime Minister does and how he uses his Cabinet to help them. The children thought of policies they would like to promote if they were elected Prime Minister. We talked about democracy and why voting is important.
PE Cricket 19.4.23
Today we had our first cricket lesson! We watched a short clip of a cricket game and talked about the skills we need to learn before playing a game as a class. We practised throwing and catching the ball by ourselves, the more confident we became the higher we threw the ball! We also rolled it to our partner and then threw it to them counting each time we caught the ball. The record so far is 30 catches in a row!
DT 28.3.23
Today the children followed their plans to make their healthy wraps. They peeled carrots, grated cheese and cut various vegetables. I can safely say that they all loved eating them and it was the quietest they had been all day! :-)
PSHE 23.3.23
Today we sorted household items/products into rooms where they would be found, either kitchen or bathroom and discussed reasons why some items are safe/unsafe for them. We also talked about where the best place is to store them e.g. medicines out of reach of small children.
First Aid 22.3.23
Today we had a special assembly led by Resus Rangers explaining how to get help if someone is hurt, calling 999, how to communicate and what first aid message we should give. Please show your child how they can phone for the emergency service on your mobile phone or home phone.
Boydell's Farm Trip 15.3.23
What an amazing time we had at the farm, we learnt so much and the weather was perfect!
PSHE 10.3.23
Today we talked about what is healthy and unhealthy. We also made posters to show others what they need to do to stay healthy.
Robbie - 'Eating lots of chocolate is not healthy as there is a lot of sugar in it.'
Ben M - 'Wearing lots of sun cream is healthy so you don't get burnt.'
Jaxon - 'Sitting down all day is unhealthy because you get pins and needles.' Max - 'It makes it hard for you body to move.' Freddie - 'It is not good for your heart.'
Indie - 'Playing outside is healthy because you can get exercise.'
Sophie - 'Eating 5 packets of crisps in a day is unhealthy because they have lots of salt.'
Mia N - 'Drinking water is healthy because you need hydration.' George - 'If you don't drink enough water you get a headache.'
Isla - 'Staying up late very night is unhealthy it is not good for your body.' Jack - 'Sleeping rests your muscles.'
World Book Day 2.3.23
Today we learnt all about Enid Blyton. The books she wrote and why she is such a well known author. We made our own faraway lands! Where would you magic chair take you?
28.2.23 Maths - Counting from 20 to 50 in 1s
In Maths today we looked at the numbers from 20-50. We sang songs, saying the numbers out loud then used a number line and hundred squares to spot the numbers too. We filled in number tracks and missing numbers and practised writing the numbers counting forwards and backwards. The following games might help if you want to continue to practise this at home:
28.2.23 - Music
Today we rehearsed our space songs as a class and added percussion instruments to them using key space words to help us complement our space songs. We named the classroom percussion instruments we were using and performed the songs with enjoyment. We can't wait to show you them during our class assembly!
Computing 21.02.23
In Computing this week we learnt to touch type using the HOME ROW keys, which are:
s a d f j k l & ;
We used all of our fingers and put one on each key. We played a game called ‘Dance Mat typing’ and tried really hard to use the special finger needed to reach each letter.
If you want to try it at home use the following link:
Children's Mental Health Week 9.2.23
Today we talked about how important it is to look after our Mental Health and one of the ways you can do that is by connecting to others. We used the book 'Invisible String' to think about people we are connected to even if they are not with us any more. We discussed how if you start to feel lonely connecting with someone can make you feel better and your mind happy.
Doubling and near doubles 6.2.23 & 8.2.23
We used Numicon and tens frames this week to help us to calculate doubles. We sang some fun songs to help us remember and then used the equipment to test our knowledge.
Sharing our Writing 6.2.23
We had a wonderful time on Monday sharing our alien writing with the Year 4 classes. We read our amazing work to them and they even shared some of their writing with us!
DT 3.2.23
We planned our space shuttles and then made them! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Blast Off!
Science 30.2.23
Today we conducted our planned experiment to see which materials burn the quickest. We discussed how to make it a fair test. Were our predictions correct?
PE 25.1.23
Today we used the apparatus for the first time! We travelled in different ways: high, low, over, under, across and through. We also included the actions we have learnt e.g. star, straddle, arch, pike.
RE 24.1.23
Today we talked about different symbols and why they are important. Can you guess what symbols we have made as a team?
RE 17.1.23
We shared our special objects with the class and talked about why they are important to us.
11.1.23 PE
We had our first gymnastic lesson today! The children learnt different movements which they then put into a sequence. Can you identify which photo is a: straddle, arch, star, dish, tuck, pike, front support and back support?
Christmas Parent Craft Event 13.12.22
Thank you to all those parents who came in to have fun making lots of different crafts with the children.
This week the children debugged algorithms to get to different places in Antarctica.
28.11.22 - House Dodgeball Competition
This week, Year 1 have taken part in a house dodgeball competition. Each house played eachother to gain points. The points will be combined with the rest the other year groups to work out the overall winning team. We had great fun competing. Here is what the children had to say:
Ava: “I threw the ball lots.”
Olly: “I keep running away from the balls.”
Zachary: “I really want the pink team to win.”
Mason: “I was running away to dodge the ball.”
Oliver: “I was trying to dodge the ball and also pass the ball to my friends.”
Cai: “I got the other team out by throwing the ball. I love dodgeball.”
Isla: “I enjoyed playing the game because I got to play with my friends on my team.”
Joscelyne: “It was really fun and I caught 2 balls.”
Freddie: “I enjoyed playing dodgeball.”
Ellie: “I avoided all the balls.”
“We won”-Sebastian M
“I am the best player at dodgeball”- Freddie P
“The game was good”- Alfie H
“I had so much fun.”- Ben G
“I felt it was lots of fun”- Maisie W
“I was throwing it really high”- Jack C
“I was really happy”- Zebedee
“I was happy I get didn’t get out”- Harper D
Switch Off Fortnight - 21.11.22
Today is the start of Switch Off Fortnight so we talked about all the different ways we can save energy and how this will help our earth.
Wild About Reading! 17.11.22
Thank you so much for all your amazing reading photos! Lots of great ideas of where and who you can read to!
Odd Sock Day 14.11.22
Today we celebrated being unique and special! We talked about how different our socks were and why we had chosen them. We linked this to our work on celebrating differences and how we are all equal.
Each member of Butterfly class made a kindness pledge and thought about ways they can make a difference by being kind (ripple of kindness).
Bee-Bots 8.11.22
Today we worked as a group to program Bee Bots to follow a series of directions. We started to use the vocabulary algorithms and debugging.
PSHE 2.11.22
These are the mirrors we made to remind us of how special and unique we all are!
DT 18.10.22
Using their plans from last week they made their healthy snack faces. They were yummy!
Science 10.10.22
Today we were learning all about how our ear works and the different parts of it. We completed an experiment to show how sound waves can move rice similar to how our ear drum works. The children also made talking telephones and flutes.
Harvest Festival 3.10.22
Today we walked to Great Notley Church to celebrate harvest time and how lucky we are to have such a huge variety of different food available to us. We were reminded that Autumn is a special season and a time to be thankful.
Science 26.9.22
This week we have been learning all about the organs in our body and what job they do.
'The brain helps you to think' - August
'The brain makes your body move' - Alice
'The heart pumps blood around our body' - Indie
'All your snacks go in your stomach and get broken down' - Ben M
'The food is broken down by acid' - Jaxon
'You lungs help you breathe' - Alexandria
'The lungs help the oxygen get in your blood' - Robbie
PSHE 20.9.22
This week we have been talking about our rights and responsibilities as a class member. We discussed how we all have the right to belong to a class, we all have the right to ask questions, we all have the right to learn and we all have the responsibility to help each other to learn.
We are special and belong

Life in the 1960's - 12.9.22
Mrs Ruth Hale, one of our school Governors, came in this afternoon to talk to us about what her life was like growing up. She explained to the children that she played board games as they didn't have computers or phones. If they wanted to watch a film they would have to go to the cinema. That her car had wood panels on it, didn't have seat belts and didn't have a radio. The TV's were very small and the pictures were black and white. At school they only had blackboards, a bottle of milk to drink each day and if they lived near to school they could go home for lunch. The classrooms were not very colourful and if she needed information for homework she would have to go to the library and look in books.
The children thought of questions they could ask about her school life during their English lesson in the morning.
Seb asked 'Did your teacher smile?' Mrs Hale said that 'most of her teachers smiled.'
Jaxon asked 'What did you eat?' Mrs Hale explained that the food was similar to now such as jacket potatoes, fish and chips and fried eggs. But they didn't have microwaves or ready meals.
Alfie wanted to know if her school had a before and after school club. Mrs Hale said 'no.'
Alexandria asked 'What did you wear at school?' Mrs Hale said 'I wore a white shirt, grey skirt, tie and green jumper.'
Max wanted to know how old her teacher was. Mrs Hale laughed and said '105 but really she was in her fifties.'
Forest School 5.9.22
We really enjoyed our Forest school session today!
Jaxson - I like trimming the trees.
Mia - I like digging!
August - I like going on the swing it goes really fast.
Maisie - I loved climbing the highest tree.
Alfie - I like it when my wellie got stuck in the tree and I had to hop.
Wesley-Ann - I liked making cakes in the mud.
Poppy - I liked the red swing.