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Summer 2

Week 1

In Science, we have started our topic 'Animals including humans'. In our first lesson we looked at a range of animals and their babies. We grouped the babies of living things based on whether they looked like their adult or not. For example, a kitten looks like a cat but a tadpole does not look like a frog.  Penguins enjoyed thinking about whether they looked like their parents or not.  One child said that they did not look like their mother, as she dyes the colour of her hair.

We also grouped these animals based on their animal group - fish, birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Some of these were tricky to identify, but we agreed the fish and the birds were the easiest!

Week 3

In D.T., we followed our plan to create the beast from our defeat the beast story which we have written in English. We sculptured the clay carefully to create our beast.  

Week 4

Turtles had an amazing day at Call of the Wild!


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Week 4

Today we celebrated Rainbow Pride Day. We made our own Rainbow Pride t-shirts! Thank you FOWC for purchasing them for us. 

Be Proud, Be Kind, Be Unique, Be Different, Be Respectful, Be Accepting, Be Special, Be you and Be Happy!

Pride Day T-shirt Fashion Show

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Keith Haring

We have been learning about the artist and sculptor Keith Haring. We have created our own Pop Art and will be displaying it during Open Evening.

Week 5

Today was House Day! We have completed some activities linked to our houses. In Year 2 we have sketched the front cover of a book linked to our house author. 

We had:

Roald Dahl - James and the Giant Peach

Enid Blyton - The Famous Five

C.S Lewis - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 

J.K Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone 

Michael Morpurgo - The Butterfly Lion 

Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist. 


We have recreated these front covers in our sketch books whilst learning about each author. 

Week 6

This week in English we have been writing Riddles. We have all written several riddles, chosen our favourite to write up in best and then have performed them to the class. 

Watch the videos below.

Can you guess what they are? 

Answers are the pictures. 

What am I?

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The answer is... friends!

What am I?

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The answer is... a rainbow!

What am I?

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The answer is... a coin!
