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Welcome to White Court's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Page

At White Court, we pride ourselves in our inclusive, community focused environment where all of our children are treated with respect and integrity. Children build up trusted relationships with staff and peers and are then encouraged to become independent learners and thinkers. Children with a special need or disability are treated in the same way and staff work hard to ensure that all children are included in every single subject and area of the daily curriculum.


Early understanding and identification is crucial for children with a special need or disability. Staff, in partnership with parents, pupils and where needed, outside agencies, monitor, assess, plan and provide the best education possible for each individual child.


This page is here to support parents and children in understanding White Court's Local offer. It also offers information on some types of special needs that you, as parents and carers, have asked for support on, and suggests other local agencies who can offer more support.

Contact Information


Phone 01376331801

What our KS 2 Special Educational Needs and Disability children feel about our school (2021/22)


  • 95% of the children said they felt happy in school.
  • 100% of the children said they felt safe in school.
  • Over 39% of SEND children said Maths was their favourite lesson and PE came second.
  • 31% said the lesson they were best at was Maths followed by English.
  • Maths, handwriting and reading were the main areas the children felt they had really improved in.
  • When the children were asked what do they like about our school they mentioned; adventure playground, big playground, basketball court, playtimes and lunchtimes, seeing their friends, TOPSTIME, making things, teachers and computing.
  • When asked when you get stuck what or who helps you to learn the children said, teachers, LSA's, friends and middays.
  • 97% of children said they get the help when they need it.
  • 95% said they enjoy playtimes and lunchtimes. 


Parents Views Of SEND at White Court (May 22)


What do you feel our greatest strengths are regarding the provision of children with SEND?


  • Good communication and proactive.
  • Huge compassion and an absolute willingness to try and help.
  • By going over and beyond for the children.
  • Creative and tailored approach to my child's needs.
  • Great level of support given and regular updates provided.
  • Regular meetings with parents.
  • The teachers are always approachable and always willing to set work for my child at his level to go over at home. School is very understanding and caring and give a lot of support both emotionally and educationally to my child. Lots of interventions and extra support doing the school day which is amazing.
  • Putting in place multiple interventions to ensure my child is getting the best support possible. 
  • With resources you have, you are trying your best to be creative in meeting the needs.
  • Clear plans, regular one page profile meetings.


White Court values the views, wishes and feelings of my child.

  • 100% of parents who completed this questionnaire agreed with this statement.


White Court values the views, wishes and feelings of parents of children with SEND.

  • 83% of parents who completed the questionnaire agreed with this statement.


The school involves parents as fully as possible in the provision put in place to support their child's learning.

  • 100% of parents who completed the questionnaire agreed with this statement. 


White Court provides my child with the necessary support to help overcome their barriers to learning.

  • 92% of parents agreed with this statement.


White Court provides parents with enough information regarding provision put in place to support their child.

  • 100% of parents who completed the questionnaire agreed with this statement.


I feel able to approach staff about any concerns I have.

  • 92% agreed with this statement.


The school offers help and advice on how to support their child, which may include information about external agencies.

  • 92% agreed with this statement.


My child is happy in school.

  • 92% of parents who completed the questionnaire agreed with this statement.

These are some of the areas you will find more information on below


  • What is a special need?
  • What is the SEND Code of Practice?
  • Speech and Language
  • What is Autism?
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Sensory Processing Disorder
  • Tic Disorder and Tourette's Syndrome
  • Bounce our Sensory Circuit
  • Physical and Sensory Impairment
  • Emotional and Mental Health
  • Useful Website Links

What is a special need?


In England, the government defines special needs as:

A child has special educational needs if they have a learning problem or disability that make it more difficult for them to learn than most children their age. They may have problems with schoolwork, communication or behaviour.


'Special educational needs' is a legal definition and refers to children with learning problems or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children the same age.


What is the SEND Code of Practice?


The SEND Code of Practice is a statutory code containing:

  • Details of legal requirements that schools must follow without exception.
  • Statutory guidance that schools must follow by law unless there’s a good reason not to.
  • It explains the duties of local authorities, health bodies, schools and colleges to provide for those with special educational needs under part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014.


There are four main areas of Special Educational Need:

In the SEND Code of Practice, there are four broad areas of special educational needs:

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health 
  • Physical and/or Sensory


The Code of Practice states that "Many children and young people have difficulties that fit clearly into one of these areas; some have needs that span two or more areas; for others the precise nature of their need may not be clear at the outset."



Communication and Interaction

Communication and Interaction can encompass a lot of needs and issues that a child may have such as Autism and Speech, Language and Communication Needs. 


Speech and Language

We work closely with Speech and Language Therapists to ensure that those children who have additional needs get the support and provision they need. You will find lots of additional videos and resources by clicking on the star icon below including all the actions for Cued Articulation which supports speech production. 

What is Autism?

Autism explained through Sesame Street

Explaining Autism to children in Key Stage 2

Autism: The positives

Cognition and Learning

Cognition and Learning can cover a range of needs. Children are identified as having cognition and learning needs if they have difficulties with literacy and numeracy or if their levels are significantly below age related expectation. 


Specific Learning Disability

A specific learning disability is defined as “a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations.” This disability category includes such conditions as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia and developmental aphasia (a type of language disorder).


A specific learning disorder is a relatively new classification that groups together reading-related (Severe and Persistent Literacy Difficulty such as dyslexia) and math-related (dyscalculia) disorders under a single umbrella. When a child is diagnosed with a specific learning disorder, the particular areas of impairment are described as part of the diagnosis.


A learning disability affects the way a person understands information and how they communicate. This means they can have difficulty:

  • understanding new or complex information
  • learning new skills
  • coping independently

Understanding Dyslexia

See dyslexia differently

Visual Dyslexia Explained

Apps for Learners with Dyslexia/Reading and Writing Difficulties

Did you know these 9 famous people are dyslexic?

Understanding Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia may not sound familiar, but this math learning difference may be quite common, says our expert. Watch this video to learn more about dyscalculia ...

Living With Dyscalculia

Apps for learners with Dyscalculia/Numeracy Difficulties

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) is a complex condition which can affect a child's concentration, behaviour and learning.

Your Child's ADHD Circuit: How ADHD Works

What ADHD Feels Like

Calming Strategies

Physical and/or sensory needs

Physical and/or sensory needs can include hearing impairment, visual impairment, physical disabilities and sensory processing difficulties. 

Tics and Tourette syndrome

Tourettes Action - your story

Sensory Processing Disorder

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

Bounce - Sensory Circuit

Every year group within the school have their own Bounce equipment to support those children who need to release energy, increase their attention and focus or help emotionally to get ready to learn. The children absolutely love it! Click on the star icon below to find out more about 'Bounce.'

Physical and sensory impairments

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Click on the star icon below to find lots of stories, videos and activities to help support your child's emotional well-being and mental health. 


SEND IASS Children's Leaflet


IPSEA offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We also provide training on the SEND legal framework to parents and carers, professionals and other organisations.

Useful website links
