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White Court School

Contact Details

Lunch Menus

Spring Term 2025

Please also refer to the allergen information listed below


School Dinners cost £2.50 per day.
The cost for the week is £12.50.
All dinners will need to be ordered and paid for on ParentPay by Wednesday (10:00 p.m.) of the previous week. You will not be able to  order dinners after this day and your child will therefore be required to bring sandwiches for that week.

If your child receives Universal Free School Meals (Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2) or Free School Meals, you will still need to sign up to ParentPay to pre-order your child’s menu choices for the week.  The system will know that you do not need to pay. NO ORDER, NO DINNER! No dinners can be ordered on the day using the ParentPay system.


We believe investing in good quality food and a balanced diet is an investment in your child’s future. Our school lunches are designed to offer your children something tasty and exciting as well as being healthy, fresh, nutritious and meeting the governments statutory requirements.


Children’s favourite foods such as burgers and sausages are still offered within our range of menus but we strive to ensure that we source only high quality ingredients from local, reputable suppliers/butchers. These items along with classic favourites such as roast lunches, homemade pies and other dishes which your children may not have experienced before, offer flavours from around the world as we try to tempt every palette. Often parents are surprised what their children will eat at school knowing what a struggle they have at home with “picky” eating – children eating with their peers are often more willing to try different foods so when looking at the menu don’t always assume that your child won’t eat what’s on the days menu – we positively encourage children to try/taste with quite often positive results.


We have a 3 week rolling menu cycle which we change twice yearly to incorporate children’s feedback to ensure we include their favourites. We don’t skimp on the extras either with unlimited access to a full salad bar and bread every day. Children also have the choice of organic yoghurt or fresh fruit if they would prefer that to the delicious homemade dessert of the day so there’s always something that every child should enjoy.


What children eat is an important part of their learning experience and we are committed to educating pupils on food, where and how it is sourced, including growing things in our own school garden! Health and progress stem from eating habits established in early childhood and we want our pupils to experience a whole range of tastes and textures to aid this love of a balanced diet and set them up for their lifetimes. We follow the Government guidelines from the recently introduced School Food Plan to achieve this.


Our catering staff aim to give your child the best dining experience they can and this is complimented by successful theme days, charity or curriculum notable dates and local special events days. Please keep an eye on the ‘upcoming events’  on the main page for the next one!


Allergen information is available on the website for each week’s menu but should you be concerned or have any questions please contact our Catering Manager (through the Main Office) who will set up an appointment to go through products personally with you.

Parent letter regarding nut allergies and cutting grapes/tomatoes



Please remember, we are a nut free school. We have several children in our school (and members of staff) with severe food allergies to peanuts/nuts. It is important that there is strict avoidance to this food in order to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction. We are asking for your help to provide the children with a safe school environment.


Any exposure to peanuts/nuts may cause a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency medical treatment. To reduce the chance of this occurring, we are ask that you do not send any peanut or nut containing products to school with your child, this includes Nutella spread.  If your child has eaten peanuts/nuts before coming to school, please be sure your child’s hands and face have been thoroughly washed before entering the school.


Also, following advice from Essex County Council, please ensure that if you send in grapes or cherry tomatoes with your KS1 child, they are cut into halves (ideally cut lengthways).
