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White Court School

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Ethos and values

'Nurturing every little acorn to become a mighty oak.'


Nurturing hearts that:

Show compassion

  • We understand our own and others feelings, we care for ourselves and others. We forgive each other and show kindness, we celebrate our differences

Are courageous

  • We feel confident enough to challenge ourselves, take risks and make mistakes. We stand up for what is right.

​​​​​​​Are Joyful

  • We embrace every opportunity to grow and radiate a passion for learning.


Nurturing minds that…

​​​​​​​Are curious

  • We ask questions and have an open mind, developing a thirst for knowledge

Show resilience

  • We never give up, we always try our best and persevere when faced with challenges

Are responsible

  • We make good choices for ourselves, our school, our community and our environment.


At White Court we nurture every  little acorn so every mighty oak has strong foundations ready to thrive.


Compassion, Courage, Joy, 

Curiosity, Resilience, Responsibility


