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Summer 1 pictures

Fun on the inflatables - a treat from FoWCS for all your hard work leading up to SATS! Well done Racoons.

This week, we looked at the circulatory system and how blood is pumped via the heart to transport nutrients, water and oxygen to the entire body. In groups we researched and selected powerful vocabulary ready for our short story. Finally, due to the weather our PE lesson was held inside - No complaints as everyone was thrilled to play dodgeball!!

Well done Racoons on all your hard work leading up to SATS week. You all worked so hard and remained focus this week. So proud of you all. During french this week they made menus and practised ordering food in french.

Week 3, we have continued with revision and completed our science investigations - How does exercise affect our heart rate. In groups, children decided how they were going to investigate this. They could compare boys/girls, distance or activities.

Week 2, for our parent event we participated in the parents vs kids quiz. Well done year 6 for another year of victory!

First week of Summer term, revision in full swing! Having fun completing PE activities to get points for every 4 correct maths questions.
