In June 23, we took a group of children to The Natural History Museum. The purpose of the trip was to give the children an experience that they may not have had before and therefore enhancing their cultural capital. We were also very lucky to have a very knowledgeable parent with us who was able to give the children a guided tour of the sights of London. The children had time to explore the museum and took part in a dinosaur dig.
Here is what some of the children had to say:
"Thank you for letting me go on the trip, I loved it. My favourite was the room where the floor shakes and the escalator."
"Thank you for letting us go to the museum, I had the time of my life and I'll remember it forever. Thank you."
"I had so much fun and it was very exciting."
"Thank you for letting me come to the Natural History Museum.. My favourite part was seeing the blue whale because I never knew how big it was."
"I had so much fun. My favourite part was the earthquake machine. I love the pencil, I am using it in every Maths lesson I have and every opportunity I have to use it. I'm so glad I got to go."
"Thank you for inviting me to the museum. I had lots of fun and hope you did too. My favourite part was the dinosaurs and space because I learnt alot!"
Click here to take a tour of the Natural History Museum