TOPS Times celebrations
The children are always excited and can’t wait for the end of every half term for our TOPS time celebration.
The year groups are combined in order to give the children a much wider choice. FS, Year 1 and Year 2 will choose from one bank of activities, Years 3-6 will choose from another bank of activities.
The children earn their celebration by having their peg moved up throughout each day when they make good behaviour choices. If they get to Good day or Great day, this all counts towards their end of half term celebration.
All teachers in the school decide on an activity they would like to offer, and these will be shared with the children the week before the celebration and will then have time to discuss it with their friends.
The children will then be able to make their choice.
In the case of an activity having less than 10 children, we may cancel that activity and then allocate that member of staff elsewhere to support an activity that is over subscribed.
On the rare occasion a child does not make it to the celebration, you will be told by the class teacher before the celebration day. This time is then spent working with the child to focus on making positive choices in the future in order for them to attend the following celebration and to discuss any support they may need, this is not a punishment or exclusion time.