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Spring 1 pictures

Week 6: to understand more about adaptation and what Darwin discovered in the Galapagos Islands we became finches with different types of beaks. In groups of three/four, we each had a different ‘beak’ (a spoon, a straw and tweezers).

What a busy week 5 we've had! We researched the topography of the UK, we practised our jumps from gym apparatus and have now completed our CAM toys - They are all amazing!

During week 4, in small groups we acted out freeze frames of Theseus and the maze to support our comprehension of the text. We have also started painting our frames ready our CAM toys.

Week 3, we showcased our gymnastic skills : barrel roll, straight roll, straddle roll, forward and backward rolls. We also tried pike and star jumps to make the transitions smoother.

This week in PE, we used our core strength to perform poses with our partner. We are nearing the end of our WW2 topic and this week we learnt about the end of the war. We used old maps of Europe, and used play dough to help understand how the allies took back control of Europe - defeating the axis and ending WW2.

First week back and we have started our new PE unit - Golf. We enjoyed learning the skills and executing these skills to swing a golf club.
