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What a busy week this has been!



This week in our art lessons we had the chance to to use clay create our own 3D models of the characters from Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx written and illustrated by Joe Todd-Stanton. We have really enjoyed creating them and are watching them carefully to see how they dry.  

A couple of photos of our finished pieces drying!

If you would like to find out more about Joe Todd-Stanton and his books, then there is a link below. He also illustrates book for other authors. He has illustrated the 'Wildsmith' series bu Liz Flannigan and Dungeon Runners by Kieran Larwood. 

Science-Looking at shadows


In this week's Science lesson we looked at how shadows are formed. It was such a lovely afternoon that we took our learning outside and observed our shadows on the playground. We tried to stand on the shoulders of our partners and then created scary shadow monsters. Inside the classroom we classified materials as opaque, translucent and transparent and discussed how opaque materials made shadows. For TOPS time we watched a short video which showed us how to make shadow puppets which lots of us were keen to try at home. Here is the link for the video we watched.
