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Autumn 1

Week 8, as a year group we walked to the memorial that is located on the entrance of White Court estate. The memorial is dedicated to the doctors, nurses, service personnel and members of the American Red Cross who worked at the U.S. Army Hospital which once stood on the White Court estate. We are continuing our learning on WW2 on our return which will include researching the hospital.

Week 7, we finished our racoons and displayed them in Maisie's garden. They look fantastic!

Week 6, we have had the Year Five's come over and share their spooky stories - what amazing stories they were too! We finished collaging our upscaled Racoons, explored searching online and why it's important to be specific when searching online. Finally, we enjoyed some drama during our reading comprehension lessons.

Week 5, we re-enacted The Battle of Britain by playing dodgeball. First Britain had their eyes closed and could only see Germany (Luftwaffe) as they approached Britain. Then we played again where Britain could see them coming (radar) and successfully beat them. In science, we completed a shadow experiment to investigate the size of shadows depending on distance from the light source.

Week 4, in history we used atlases to locate and colour code which countries in Europe were allies, axis and neutral during WW2. During our science lesson we worked in groups to complete a mirror maze using our knowledge of light and reflection.

Week 3, recorders are back! We remembered notes A,B,G and D and will be practising at home ready for our next lesson. We have started our art unit and completed visual notes on the three artists who have inspired our art project.

Week 2, we have had children successfully complete 2 days of bike safety with Bikeability. Had fun in P.E trying to row from one side to the other, persevered during our multilink investigation and completed a mind map on WW2. During PSHE we learnt about what to do in an emergency - we now know what a primary survey is and we practised the recovery position.

First week back - what an amazing week we have had! During PSHE we explored growth mindset and how reflectED helps us to be successful in our learning. Racoons were given the challenge to complete a tangram within 2 minutes. They had to concentrate hard and persevere.
