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Florence Nightingale Day

Florence Nightingale Day 10.10.24


Today the children stepped back in time to when Florence Nightingale was alive. They began their day by helping her with final preparations for her journey to the Crimea. They made items that will be needed at Scutari such as candle holders, pill boxes, diaries, uniform brassards and lockets. 


At Marseilles the suitcase got muddled up so the children had to use their detective skills to work out which suitcase belonged to which person such as Alexis Soyer, William Russell and Mary Seacole.


In the afternoon they arrived at the barracks at Scutari and took on different roles such as wounded soldiers, nurses/doctors, cooks, gardeners and orderlies.


Thank you to those parents who came to help on our day as we could not have done it without you and to FOWC who contributed half of the total cost of the event. 


The children had an amazing day!
