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Butterfly Class

Week 2

In Maths, we have been working on giving change from 10p and £1 using our number bonds to 10 and 100. 


In Art we have been focusing on drawing small objects in detail using small movements.

Spring Term Week 1

Today we started learning the skills we need for net and ball games. We practised our get 'ready' position, shuffled to the side, forwards, backwards and turned. We played stick or twist with a partner and defended a gate using our new skills. 

Week 6 - DT Day

Today we had a DT day, which involved creating our own solid structures. We experimented with making strong and stable structures at the start of the day using blocks, Lego, cubes and plastic cups.  We then learnt about the difference between natural and man-made structures. We finished the day by designing and making our own solid structures - bridges out of sugar cubes! 

Week 6

We have made cards for the Christmas Card Campaign to share joy and bring happiness to others. 

Week 5

This week we used our own plan to write a diary describing Baby Bears adventure to the the North Pole. We then read them to each other. 

Week 4

In PSHE this week, we have been talking about what bullying is and how it makes the person being bullied feel. Bullying doesn't just happen once it goes on over time and happens again and again. It is deliberate, hurting someone on purpose not accidently. It is unfair and the person doing the bullying is stronger and more powerful. 

Autumn 2 Week 3 

This afternoon we did "We love Reading" where we all choose a space in the room to read a book quietly to enjoy. WE have calm music on in the background and choose a teddy to share our book with. Here we are enjoying some quiet time in our busy day at school...

Autumn 2 - Week 2 

Odd Socks Day is an annual event that takes place to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week. The day is a celebration of diversity, acceptance, and inclusion, and encourages people to wear mismatched socks to show that it's okay to be different. We talked about our differences and discussed the importance of being respectful. We then designed our own socks to highlight why we are unique. 


In Art we looked at the importance of Remembrance Day and the symbolic red poppy. We did this after our minute silence at 11 o’clock. We then use pointillism to create our own poppies. In Art we looked at the importance of Remembrance Day and the symbolic red poppy. We did this after our minute silence at 11 o’clock. We then use pointillism to create our own poppies.

Autumn 2 Week 1

We have been learning the history behind Bonfire Night and why we celebrate it. The children then made fireworks pictures.

Autumn 1 Week 8

During Art the children produced their final piece using the skills they have learnt this half term. They created a wax resist painting by sketching leaves with wax crayons and then washing over them with water colours. 

Autumn Term 1 - Week 7 

In Maths today, we began looking at the concept of exchanging when we don't have enough to take away. We worked very hard in pairs to play an exchange game then completed subtraction number sentences which you can see in the photos. 

Below is a video of how to play the game as I know lots of you wanted to play this at home! If you don't have any tens and ones you could use dry spaghetti for the tens and small dry pieces of pasta for the ones. Or use 10p and 1p coins instead. Scroll down to see the photos of us working hard! 



Today we learnt about John McAdam’s and his road-making design. We worked as a class to make three different chocolate roads using melted chocolate, biscuits and raisins. We tested which was the strongest. We did one with just melted chocolate, one with chocolate and biscuits and then one with chocolate, biscuits and raisins. The chocolate road too 200g before it broke. The chocolate and biscuits took 1200g before it broke and the cholate, raisins and biscuits took 2500g making it the strongest bridge! 


Autumn 1 - Week 6 

This week we finished our art work for the school wide project "Take one piece". We collaged our class animal and then attached it to our pastel work from last week. Take a look at how hard we worked while creating them...


Autumn Term 1 - Week 5 

This week in Maths we have started our new unit - addition and subtraction. We started by revising our number bonds to 10 from Year 1 as these will be really useful for our unit. We started practically and then used our practical work to solve problem solving and reasoning questions. 

Autumn Term - Week 4 

This week in English we have been looking at a voyage story. The example we have been learning about is Mr Benn. Today we acted out the story in groups and each took on a role. We practiced each section and then showed the class our retelling of the story. 

Autumn 1 - Week 3 

In Science this week we looked at the strength of different materials and how suitable they would be to make a structure. We looked at wood, paper, cardboard and metal. We then designed and constructed bridges in teams and tested their strength. All our bridges held the weights and our monkey teddy!In Science this week we looked at the strength of different materials and how suitable they would be to make a structure. We looked at wood, paper, cardboard and metal. We then designed and constructed bridges in teams and tested their strength. All our bridges held the weights and our monkey teddy!

Autumn 1 - Week 2 

This week in PE we started our Gymnastics unit. We looked at holding a shape with our bodies and then putting 2 or more shape positions together to form a sequence. Have a look at what we got up to! 


Still image for this video

Autumn 1 - Week 1 

We had a great first day and all the children settled well into their new classroom. This afternoon we looked at the Zones of Regulation. We talked about all of our different feelings and times we have felt Blue, Green, Red or Yellow. We then sorted the feelings into the zones. We talked about ways to make us feel calm and how to “get back to the green zone”.
