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Autumn 1

Our finished pieces

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Week 8 Art-We completed our 3D Hedgehog collages & took them to their natural habitat in Maisie's Garden

Week 7 English


Over the past two weeks we have been exploring poetry using figurative language. We have used metaphors, similes, personification and onomatopoeia to create imagery in our emotion poems. We created a mind map first coming up with as much vocabulary as we could and then used this to compose our own poem. 

When we have published them, we are going to share them with Year 2.

Here are a few examples.

Week 5

Week 5 has got off to a busy start!

We learnt about adding and subtracting negative numbers and played a game to help us to understand this concept.

We are continuing to work on our dances in PE and our recorder playing is coming along brilliantly! 

We are sounding very tuneful so remember to keep practising.

In Science this week we investigated how shadows change depending on how far away they are from the light source.

Maths game

PE: practising our dances

Playing our recorders

History: Week 3

This week in History we learn about the main allies and axis of WW2 and which countries remained neutral.

.We found the countries on a map and looked at how parts of Europe have changed.

First Aid Day

Working on our Growth MIndset cutting and making tangram puzzles
