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Thursday 23rd January - Art Topic - Still Life Clay Tiles

Expanding on our topic of Still Life, we have used our previous sketches of fruit to design and play a clay tile. This involved using line marking and etching and attaching objects we had made using cross hatching and creating slip (a mixture of clay and water which acts as a glue). It was really fun trying out the effects of different tools to see what textures we could make. We are now waiting for our clay to dry fully and the next stage will be painting them. 


Thursday 16th January - Performance Poetry!

Pupils have really enjoyed practising and performing their poems! Using repetiton, rhythm and alliteration, their poems were creative, funny, dramatic and lots of fun. We used actions, facial expressions and changed the volume and speed of of our voices to express our poems. 

Monday 13th January - Maths Division with Manipulatives

Today, we used Base 10 to learn about division. We learnt that dividing means sharing or grouping in equal amounts. We were given division calculations to break down into groups. Some were straight forward like 39 divided by 3 but others needed us to exchange tens for ones. Here is some of our work. Can you match up 51 divided by 3 with the correct picture?

Monday 6th January - English

As part of our new poetry unit, we will be working in a group to plan, write and perform a poem. Today, we learnt about  how to make everyone feel valued and contribute well in a group. Inclusion techniques are activities that help everyone feel part of the group. They include:

●asking questions,
●making eye contact,
●using names,
●encouraging each other by smiling and nodding.

These actions show we care about everyone's opinions and help create a friendly atmosphere for discussion. In small groups, we discussed the topics of pets, followed by sports. We also looked at what happens when inclusion techniques are not used. We all agreed that inclusion techniques really help with our discussions. 


Friday 13th December - D.T. Finger Fluency and Make and Break a Traditional Mince Pie

Today, we learnt pastry making skills, measuring ingredients and following a porcess to make a sweet pastry suitable for a Christmas treat. We learnt to use our finger tips and lift the flour and butter together and rub together to create a breadcrumb effect. Next, we added sugar, an egg yolk and some cold water to form it into a ball. We did as much of the blending as we could with a knife so our warm hands didn't melt the butter. Using flour to stop it from sticking, we rolled out the pastry trying to make sure it was in a thin even layer before using round cutters. 

We then investigated a range of different fillings before deciding on what ingredients to use in our final pies. 

Wednesday 4th December

Today, we learnt about factor pairs in Maths. We learnt that a pair of numbers that are multiplied together are the factors and the multiple in makes is a product. Example: 4 x 5 = 20      4 and 5 are factors of 20.

We explored factor pairs of 24. Here is what we found. 

Thursday 21st November - Science

Today, we had great fun experimenting with how sound travels through different mediums. We found that sound waves travel faster through solids than water and air because the particles are densely packed and vibrate rapidly causing the sound wave to reach the reciever in a faster time. Sounds travels slowest through air as the particles in a gas are further apart. We compared how sound waves travel through air, liquids and solids and discussed our findings. 

Friday 15th November - PANTOMIME 'Beauty and the Beast'

It was a pleasure to watch the children's faces. They loved the performance and were singing along. Here is what they thought:

Ivy - I loved the songs especially the Taylor Swifty songs!

Kian - My favourite part was when Mr Pruce and Mr Hopgood went up to dance!

Isabella - I loved the part when the characters started talking about Pokemon.

Ruby - I loved it when they play set Fire to the Rain as part of Luminere's songs.

Reuben - I found it really funny when the actors started dabbing. 

Tuesday 12th November - PSHE - ODD SOCK DAY!

Today, we celebrated all the many ways we are different. Pupils enjoyed sharing their ideas about this year's theme of  'Respect', what it means and many ways we can show respect to those that are different from ourselves. Pupils shared things that were special about them and unique skills that they were good at. We each made a mini-flag to colloborate and create a Class Flag. Finally, we could show off our odd socks!

Friday 8th November - Music

We have been learning notation and how to read music and counting the beats. Introducing two new notes, we can now play B, A, G, C and D. We practised pplaying a four beat tune which used whole beats, two beats and half beats. We then had our first go at Jingle Bells!

Thursday 7th November - P.E. Outdoor Adventurous Activities

Pupils enjoyed games of tag to warm up. We learnt a new game called 'Leap Frog' where you had to try to get your own cones the other side of the obstacle when you an only move one object at a time. It was very tactical! To make it harder, we increased the number of cones. 

Monday 21st October - Art

We have really enjoyed creating concertina books of illustration based on the Jabberwocky. Today, we shared adn reflected on our creations. We realised we had to use our imaginations a lot during the process as the poem hints at things but it also has a lot of nonsense vocabularly and 'portmanteaus' (words blended together). Pupils challenged themselve to make the ilustrations dark and dramatic in places. Charcoal was a great media to use to achieve this. Eveyone's interpretation of the dreaded Jabberwocky and other creatures from the poem was different. We shared our thoughts on each others' work. 

Wednesday 2nd October - R.E.

 We had two visitors in RE today - Sheena and Kaite from the Christian Youth Organisation who came in to support our R.E. topic 'Can Love and Kindness Save the World?'  We worked in teams to illustrate the parableof the Great Banquet.

Friday 27th September - Science

Today, we experimented with different foods and melted them to test their different melting points in degrees celcius with a themometer. We recorded our results and our observations.Gummy bears had the highest melting point at (60*C) an it also cooled the quickest to become a solid again. Coconut Oil had the lowest melting point (38*C). 

Monday 23rd September - Art 

In Art, we have been looking at the work of different illustrators. Today, we are learning to explore imagery and atmosphere and how to use different media, lines, shapes and colour. 

Thursday 19th September - P.E. Fundamentals

We had great fun in P.E. learning what agility is and how it can help in many sports. We used tag games were we had to avoid the opposition and reach a given point without being tagged. Mrs Rolfe-Adams joined in and confirmed it was a hard challenge!


Thursday 12th September - World First Aid day

Pupils learnt about the importance of first aid. The role of a first aider is to:

keep yourself and the casualty safe;
stop anyone getting any further injuries;
quickly and safely treat any injuries; get help from the emergency services, if needed
We looked at different scenarios such as bleeding, a broken bone, burns, choking and head injuries and what to do in each situation, in simple steps. For example, if someone is bleeding badly, grab a tea towel or cloth and press it to the wound, call for help of an adult, dial 999.

Thursday 5th September - P.E.

Pupils are enjoying their first lesson of 'Fundementals'. Today focussed on using core strength and they were up for the challenge!
