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Flamingo Class

Week 6

In Science, we have been exploring the sense ‘touch’ and talked about how we use touch to keep ourselves safe. For example, being able to identify whether something is sharp or hot, in order to avoid danger. We had a go at putting our hands in various feely bags, to feel some mystery objects. Using our sense of touch, we then had to describe what we could feel.

Week 5

In Maths, we have been comparing numbers, using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols.

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Week 4

In computing this week, we have been practising our keyboard skills. First, we practised locating the letters on the computer keyboard, to type our own names. We then practised using backspace to delete any typing errors that we made. After that, we had a go at using the space bar to add a space inbetween words and used the enter button to start a new line.  

Week 3

In Design Technology we have been learning about structures. We had a go at making our own structures. First, we created a frame. We then tried different ways of strengthening our structures, using playdough, glue lollipop sticks and card.


Week 2

In PE, we explored balance, stability and landing safely, when jumping from a height. We used different equipment to help practise these skills.

Week 1: 

Well done for a great first week in Flamingo Class. The children have enjoyed settling into Year 1. 
