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This week in Science, we have been looking at series circuits. We made our own circuit using wires, bulbs, batteries and switches.

Spring 1

This week, Year 6 can to share their stories with us. Check out the pictures on their class page. CLICK HERE

Story Time - Today, we were lucky and got to visit Year 5 to hear them read their 'defeating a monster' story. It was based on the same structure as Beowulf. Some of us sat in the comfy corner, some under the tables, some found cosy areas around the room and others chose to sit at the tables. We were very impressed with how detailed the stories were (and how gory in parts!) and are looking forward to writing our own when we are in Year 5 next year.


In computing we have been looking at networks. We talked about how they are connected to people in different networks. We demonstrated how computer networks work by passing messages around the classroom. This took a long time to get the message to the correct person so we added a switch to which sent the message directly to the correct person.


We have been continuing to look at balances and now combined them with different jumps to make a sequence.


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Wednesday 4th December

Today, we learnt about factor pairs in Maths. We learnt that a pair of numbers that are multiplied together are the factors and the multiple in makes is a product. Example: 4 x 5 = 20      4 and 5 are factors of 20.

We explored factor pairs of 24. Here is what we found.

Tuesday 12th November - PSHE - ODD SOCK DAY!

Today, we celebrated all the many ways we are different. Pupils enjoyed sharing their ideas about this year's theme of  'Respect', what it means and many ways we can show respect to those that are different from ourselves. Pupils shared things that were special about them and unique skills that they were good at. We each made a mini-flag to colloborate and create a Class Flag. Finally, we could show off our odd socks!


Today we started our Gymnastic block of work. We discuss why tension is important in gymnastics and practised tensing our muscles. We then practised a range of partner balance, which we had to tense our muscle for to ensure that we could hold the balance steady.


In Art, we have been looking at illustrators of children's book. We have been practising using different media to create different atmospheres. Using these techniques we illustrated our own version of the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll.


Sheena and Katie came in to support our RE topic 'Can Love and Kindness Change the World?'

We worked in teams to illustrate the parable of the Great Banquet. 

23.9.24 - In Art we have been looking at illustrators and how they create different atmospheres in their illustrations. We used a range of different media to experiment how we could best represent a calm sea, a stormy sea, thunder and lightning, fire, wind and rain and a bleak forest. Can you work out which picture is which?

19/9/24: In Science we have been studying 'states of matter' the children acted out how the particles behave. In solids, particles are bonded together and tightly arranged with little energy; in liquids they are less well bonded and have more energy; in gases they are poorly bonded and have lots of energy. Can you guess which picture goes with which definition?

Thursday 12th September

This week we have been celebrating World First Aid Day. We had a special assembly where we learnt about how to be a first aider and learnt how to deal with head injuries, diabetes and CPR. In class, we enjoyed role playing scenarios dealing with an asthma attack, bleeding, burns and the recovery position. We talked about how to call for an ambulance and discussed how it is important to know your address or to have it written somewhere accessible in case of an emergency.

Thursday 5th September - P.E.

Pupils are enjoying their first lesson of 'Fundementals'. Today focussed on using core strength and balance.



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