Spring Term - Week 3
In History this week we have been making comparisons between London in the past and London now. We explored buildings, transport, people and streets and sorted photos out into the right columns. We then added extra vocabularly and then recorded our Golden Sentences in our books.
Spring Term - Week 2
In Computing this week, we have been using the program '2Go' on Purple Mash. We have learnt how to program using a sequence of commands. We enjoyed challenging ourselves by navigating our avatars through the maze.
Spring Term - Week 1
In Art this week we have introduced our new topic - Exploring the world through mono printing. The children enjoyed drawing images/ stills from a nature film, focusing on the close looking observations.
Spring 1, Week 1 - Art - drawing stills from films
Autumn 2 - Week 6 - DT Day
Today we had a DT day, which involved creating our own solid structures. We experimented with making strong and stable structures at the start of the day using blocks, Lego, cubes and plastic cups. We then learnt about the difference between natural and man-made structures. We finished the day by designing and making our own solid structures - bridges out of sugar cubes!
Autumn 2 - Week 5
In PSHE this week, we have been discussing standing up for ourselves and others. We were all given scenario cards. As a group, we had to create a freeze frame for the rest of the class. We had to consider: What do you think is happening in this scene? What could the person who is being bullied or hurt do in the situation? What do you think the other person could do?
Autumn 2 - Week 4
Katie from Notley Family of Churches told us about the Nativity story. We asked lots of questions and talked about how it doesn't matter if we believe different things about Jesus and the Nativity.
Autumn 2 - Week 3
Over the last couple of weeks, we have been looking at a book called 'The Disgusting Sandwich' with the goal of writing instructions on how to make our very own disgusting sandwich! This week we have been writing our instructions; however, to do this, we had to make them! Take a look at our truly horrible sandwiches...
Autumn 2 - Week 2
Odd Socks Day is an annual event that takes place to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week. The day is a celebration of diversity, acceptance, and inclusion, and encourages people to wear mismatched socks to show that it's okay to be different. We talked about our differences and discussed the importance of being respectful. We then designed our own socks to highlight why we are unique.
Autumn 2 - Week 1
In Computing today, we started looking at identity online. We looked at avatars and how people use avatars to represent themselves online. We talked about how we don't know who we are truly talking to when looking at an avatar. We then created our own avatar and played a game to guess who each avatar belongs to.
Autumn 1 - Week 8
In PE this term, we have been doing gymnastics. We have been learning about different jumps, rolls and balances. Today, we worked in pairs to do some partner balances. We persevered, even though some of them were very tricky!
Autumn 1 - Week 7
Today in Science we investigated how to build the strongest road. We had 3 ingredients to use: chocolate, raisins and biscuits. Using these ingredients, we then made three different roads:
- Chocolate
- Chocolate and biscuits
- Chocolate biscuits and raisins
We predicted which road was the strongest and then tested the strength of our roads using weights. Which road do you think was the strongest?!
Week 5 - Art - Oil Pastels
In Art, we are focusing on a piece of called 'The Tiger' by Franz Marc. We created a background for our own animal work using oil pastels.
Autumn 1 - Week 4
This week, Year 2 worked collaboratively with Year 5 to create a 3D display inspired by the book ‘Colour Monster’. Each child worked as part of a small group to create a 3D sculpture of a different colour monster. Take a look at our final creations!
Autumn 1 - Week 3
In Science this week we looked at the strength of different materials and how suitable they would be to make a structure. We looked at wood, paper, cardboard and metal. We then designed and constructed bridges in teams and tested their strength. All our bridges held the weights and our monkey teddy!In Science this week we looked at the strength of different materials and how suitable they would be to make a structure. We looked at wood, paper, cardboard and metal. We then designed and constructed bridges in teams and tested their strength. All our bridges held the weights and our monkey teddy!
Autumn 1 - Week 2
This week in PE we started our Gymnastics unit. We looked at holding a shape with our bodies and then putting 2 or more shape positions together to form a sequence. Have a look at what we got up to!
Autumn 1 - Week 1
We had a great first day and all the children settled well into their new classroom. This afternoon we looked at the Zones of Regulation. We talked about all of our different feelings and times we have felt Blue, Green, Red or Yellow. We then sorted the feelings into the zones. We talked about ways to make us feel calm and how to “get back to the green zone”.