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Autumn Term 1

Music - In groups, we practised playing different rhythms using instruments. We tried really hard to keep in time with each other.

Science - We have been exploring our sense of smell. We smelt various pots to see if we knew what was in them without looking. Some smelt nicer than others!

wc 14.10.24 Art - We made some 3D food items with the Year 3 children. We used newspaper, tissue paper and LOTS of glue!

wc 7.10.24 In Science, we explored the sense 'touch'. We touched different items without looking to see if we could describe what we could feel. It was really fun - especially the slime!

In PE, we have been learning about different ways to move. We have practised our walking, jogging and running.

Wc: 23.9.24 In Computing, we learnt how to type our name and use the backspace, space bar and return key on a computer keyboard.

WC 30.9.24 In History, we have been comparing the past to now. We looked at toys from 100 years ago and discussed how they have changed over time.

In Science, we have been learning about our senses. We explored taste and tried foods which were sweet, salty, bitter and sour.
