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Spring 1

Week 6 - A busy week and too busy to take photos! Sorry! In music we enjoyed performing our graphic scores. In computing we worked together to practice typing our name into a Purple Mash document. We've enjoyed some more book recommendations. Ben recommends 'Oi Cat' as it's funny and 'Dear Zoo' because its fun and noisy! Nahla recommends 'Elephant's guide to making friends' as it's all about friends. Arthur recommends 'The little book of night time animal sounds' to learn about different animal noises. Olly recommends 'On the night you were born' if you like polar bears. Thomas recommends 'Silky jokes for funny kids' (a different one) as it's funny.'

Week 5 - In Art we have been exploring primary colours and had fun using paint to make a colour wheel. In Science we have been predicting whether different objects would float or sink - we tried a bouncy ball, some pasta, a coin, a feather and a lollypop stick. In PE we practiced our throwing and catching skills in pairs. The children are loving their book recommendations and I can't keep up with all the books from home! It is so lovely to see the children enjoying and sharing their favourite books. This week Evie recommends 'Kindness Stories' as it's a nice book and Olly recommends 'Funnybones' to learn about skeletons. Lola recommends 'The book with no pictures' as it looks boring but is actually very funny! Evelyn H recommends 'Milo's touch and feel' as it feels nice.

Week 4 - We have had a busy week! In RE we've been learning about Ramadan and we designed our own special meal. In Phonics we played a game called 'stand up, hands up, pair up' to help us remember our tricky words. In Maths we enjoyed using lots of different resources to count on within 20. Finally, we've enjoyed listening to some children's book recommendations. Thomas recommends 'Knock knock jokes for funny kids' to make you laugh. Evelyn recommends 'Pirates love underpants' if you love our current class book Aliens love underpants. Kacie recommends 'The Singing Mermaid' as a bedtime story. Freya recommends 'Lift the flap General Knowledge' to learn about the world and even flamingos! Pippa recommends 'The Owls of Blossom Wood' as your first chapter book if you love owls. We look forward to more recommendations next week!

Week 3 - We have enjoyed listening to some of the children's favourite books from home. Charlie recommends 'Oh No George' if you are learning to read. Mia recommends 'Mungo Monkey goes to school' if you enjoy lift the flap books. Nellie recommends 'Dear Zoo' if you love zoo animals. Nahla recommends 'Sloth's guide to keeping calm' as a great story to help you relax and keep calm. Evelyn recommends 'Applejack's busy day' if you like pony stories. Arthur recommends 'The little book of safari animal sounds' to learn about different animals and the noises they make. Thank you for your amazing recommendations! In Art we have enjoyed using oil pastels to create spirals. They looked fantastic!

Week 2 - This week in Computing we worked in pairs to log on to Purple Mash and each made a musical tune on the programme. We really enjoyed it and helped each other. In PSHE we talked about goals and having small steps to reach our goals. Mrs Woods' goal was to make a jam sandwich but it went terribly wrong when she didn't make any small steps! Luckily the children helped and together, making small steps, we made the perfect jam sandwich.

Week 1 - This week in PE we have been learning skills for attacking and defending games. In Science we have been learning about different materials. We took turns to dig deep into a feely bag to find an object and sorted it to the correct material. We were very excited to see what was in the bag!
