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Summer 1


This half term we have been learning all about what makes a good dip and what makes a good dipper. We have tasted lots of different dips to see what we like the taste of, what the texture is like and the aroma. We then designed, made and evaluated our dips. It was lots of fun and we got to try something new! It was slightly tricky working in a group to design our dips as we had to find ingredients we all liked.


In History this week we have been using our knowledge of the Titanic and re-enacted some of the events that took place. 

Can you guess which picture matches which scenario?

Science Week - 09.05.22



This week we are celebrating Science week. The whole school have had an assembly learning all about climate change. Then we got to do a workshop looking at how we can help to reduce our transport. We had a go at creating lots of different types of transport using our bodies and answered questions on ways to help the planet by walking, cycling or using public transport. 


It was lots of fun! 

Science Experiment 1

Predict what might happen to a raw egg left in vinegar for 2 days.



Joe – It is going to go all soggy and stay raw.

Isobel – I think that the shell will come off and it will turn into a bouncy egg.

Austin – It will be squishy.

Isabelle – It will explode,

Poppy – It will get bigger.

Isla – The shell will come off and turn into a cooked egg.

Hazel – Mae – I predict it will explode out of the shell and then be a hard egg, cooked.

Grace – I think the shell might turn white.

Evie – I predict the shell will be clear or orange, and the inside will be cooked and not raw.

Bluebell – I predict that the egg inside will turn orange or clear.

Natasha – I think the egg will cook.

Lorelei – I think the egg will get really warm inside and then the shell will burst off. It will then be a squishy egg.

Cai – I think it will explode and then bounce.

Dylan – Bounce with shell on.


Science Week - Tuesday 

After a day and a half of soaking in vinegar we took the egg out. The children described it as feeling like a water balloon or a fidget toy. They wanted to see if their predictions were correct so watch the video on our class stream to find out. Did the egg bounce? 

Skittle Rainbows

The children created colourful skittle circles which they then covered with warm water creating beautiful rainbow patterns!

Wednesday 11th May

Magic Blooming Flowers 

We created our own magic blooming flowers.  We coloured a flower, folded the petals and placed it into water.  Like magic, the petals opened up to reveal a pretty flower.  
Of course, it wasn't magic. Here is the science behind it:
The Magic Flower is powered by a groovy scientific phenomenon called 'capillary action'. Thanks to capillary action, paper absorbs water very rapidly. When paper gets wet, it swells which causes the folded petals of the Magic Flower to open up. 

Friday 13th May


Today we created our own helicopter and added a paper clip at the bottom. We very much enjoyed watching what happened when we let it go. What a great end to our science week!


Still image for this video

History - John Ray

We have been learning all about John Ray and why he is a significant person from our local area.

Who was John Ray? Where did he live? What did he do during his life? 




We used our facts about John Ray to create an information page. 


The children have been talking about lots of different types of touching e.g. high five, holding hands, fist bump, comfort shoulder, hugs, kiss. They discussed some they like and some they don't like, how some are acceptable and some are unacceptable. We have talked about how it is OK to speak up when we feel uncomfortable.


During Art lessons, we have been learning about Giuseppe Arcimboldo.  We looked at his art work and discussed what he had used to create these. We evaluated these pieces and thought about what we liked about them.  We used lots of fruit and vegetables to create our own piece of art in a similar style. 
