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Spring 2- Down On The Farm

Owls Learning Journey

WC - 28.3.22


This week in English we have looked at the poem Down At The Farm. We have been learning about rhyming words and thinking about words that start with the same letter which is called alliteration.



In Maths, we have learnt about weight and mass. We have enjoyed using the balance scales to find objects that are heavier and lighter. We learnt that if the tray went down it meant that the object was heavier and if the tray stayed up high it was lighter. We also compared objects with cubes. If the scale balanced we learnt that meant they had the same mass.



We have been learning about different food types and where food comes from. Last week we designed our own wraps trying to include different food categories.  This week, we made our own wraps following our designs and carefully cut the food with knives. We really enjoyed eating our tasty wraps!

Week Commencing 14.3.22

This week, Year 1 went to Boydell's Farm as part of our D.T. topic of where food comes from. We enjoyed watching Farmer Kylie milk Mootilda the cow and even got to have a go ourselves. We got to feed the goats, Lawrence the llama, the alpacas and the Shetland Ponies. We also loved walking the Oreo and Liquorice the rabbit on their leads and cuddling the guinea pigs. The highlight (other than lunchtime!) was bottle feeding and cuddling the lambs. 

Week commencing 7.3.22

Boydells Farm Trip- Tuesday 15th & Wednesday 16th March

We are very excited for our school trip to Boydells Farm next week. Your child will either be going on Tuesday or Wednesday. Please ask us if you are unsure which day they are going. Just a reminder for children to bring named wellies in and to wear warm jogging bottoms (the same as for PE) and a school jumper. Can you can think of a question to ask the farmers when we get there? 


We practiced logging onto purple mash and making our very own piece of music on '2Explore'. We then filmed this on the iPad. This is something which you could have a go at doing more of at home, the children really enjoyed it and made some brilliant music. 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


This week in English we went to visit Foundation Stage and read the children our innovated stories of Farmer Duck. We had so much fun!

We have also been busy this week writing our own acrostic poems on the four seasons. Have a look at some of our super work! 


This week in Maths we have been continuing to learn about numbers within 50. We have worked on comparing numbers using symbols and the language of 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to'. We have also worked on ordering numbers from greatest to smallest and smallest to greatest. As well as this we have practiced counting in multiples of 2 and 5. You can use the video link below to recap our learning. 

WC - 28.2.22


World Book Day! 

On Thursday 3rd March we celebrated World Book Day! We dressed up as lots of different characters in books and read some brilliant stories throughout the day. We all received a book token to spend on a new book!

Can you guess which books we are characters from? 

Can you guess which book Miss Drury, Mrs Scrivener, Miss Stead, Mrs Clark and Mrs Rodriguez are from?




This week in English we have continued with the book 'Farmer Duck'. However, this week we have been learning to innovate (change) the characters and events within the story. We created plans for our stories and had a go at writing our new version. On Friday we published our work into a book in our best handwriting. Take a look at our amazing work!


This week we have continued to learn about the 4 seasons. We looked closely at Winter and Summer and the changes we see in the length of daylight. We learning about winter solstice (the shortest day of the year) and summer solstice (the longest day of the year). We used clocks to help us understand how many hours of sunlight each one has. 




This week in our DT lessons we have been exploring where our food comes from. Last week we looked at food from animals. This week we looked at food from plants. We were intrigued to learn that sugar, chocolate and even wheat comes from a plant. We tried lots of different foods from plants and explained how they grew. 




In Maths this week we have been continued within Place Value to 50. We have used our knowledge of tens and ones to compare numbers using great than, less than and equal to symbols as well as finding one more and one less! Use the video links below to recap our learning this week.




One More One Less 1 - 100 - Counting Maths Game for Kids

If you are looking for more great activities to help with learning one more, one less click here to find out FREE Maths Homework Help area; https://www.twink...

WC - 22.2.22


TWOSDAY! - On Tuesday, we celebrated TWOSDAY! We looked at the why it was a cool date and learnt it is called a palindrome. We made TWOSDAY hats and practised counting in twos.



In English, we have learnt the story 'Farmer Duck'. We have answered questions about the text, practised using adjectives to describe the farmer and the duck and looked at what the characters were saying.

Story - FARMER DUCK by Martin Waddell (EYFS KS1)

What happens on the farm when not everyone is playing their part?By Martin Waddell and read by Miss. Hodgson.ACTIVITIES to TRY at HOME:*Act out the different...


In Maths, we have started to work with numbers up to 50. We have practised counting in tens and then counting on the extra ones. When we write two digit numbers, we need to remember to start the with the tens. 

We love this song to help us with counting in 10s.

The Counting by Tens Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden

Count by tens from zero to one hundred with an adventurous dog and an adventurous song! The Counting by Tens song teaches skip counting by 10. Our 2ND CHANNE...

As part of our farm topic this term, we have started to look at where food comes from. This week, we looked at different animals and learn what food we get from them.

Proud Owls! 



This week we have been sharing our achievements in class. 


Elsie shared her gymnastics medal with her class!

Poppy shared her swimming certificates. 

We have really enjoyed sharing things we are proud of. 
